My husband

Hi there im new to this site i have just lost my wonderful husband of 31 years of marriage i feel so alone i have no family or friends to talk to so its just me and my thought’s i was just wondering how people cope. I lost my mum dad and sister all in 15 years and now my husband. Im heartbroken


So sorry for your loss after all those years. The old chestnut is take it a day at a time but its all you can do,there’s no quick fix.
Let your tears flow when needed i found they were like a release valve.
Don’t rush into making decisions you might regret later.
I’ve been on my own nearly five months first couple were hard highs and low’s. Whenever i was feeling down i came on hee and spoke on here how i was feeling and would always get positive help.
Take care :heart: :two_hearts:


Hello Sue, we’re here x
Silverfox articulated it well. I hope this becomes your safe space, as it has for me and many others x


So sorry for your loss

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So sorry for your loss , its been 6weeks today for me , i have found people on here a great strength at times when i need some support , so please reach out to others x


So sorry for your loss its been 12 weeks since I lost my beloved husband to cancer, you are not alone on here


Thankyou for all your support its nice to know people care i think im finding it hard as ive got no one to talk too, my wonderful husband was my rock when my parents and sister passed and this feels so much harder. Xx


Iam always here if you need a sounded block , i dont always no the right words as this is all new to me but iam a good listener x


Thankyou. X

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Ive started to resent my wonderful husband for leaving me to cope with all his things, how can i stop this as it hurts so much i would have done anything for him he was my world and i dont want to feel like this.

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Hi ive been there to i hate him most days ive been told its just part of the greaving process, but then i feel guilty for it and the whole circle of emotions start again , you’re not on your own feeling thevway you do xx

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Yes it’s just our emotions wanting everthing settled, but we know it’s the long haul for some of us.
We’ll all get there eventually and the love we have for our loved one’s will be just tinged with sadness and nothing else.
Take care :broken_heart::two_hearts: