Hi Eddie. I am so sorry for your loss. Tears are good so allow them to flow. Can I recommend to all to watch Richard Coles ‘Good Grief’ on channel 4. (All4). It was very inspiring & relatable to our situation. Take care. G.
Thanks for that, I might just do that. Eddie
Thank you for replying and sorry for your loss too. How long ago did your husband die?
I am finding it very hard every day and just have to do,things to distract myself - getting out and about - but then I still have to come home and face the truth that he actually isn’t alive with me anymore.
I will give the good grief programme a look which you recommended if I can find it
You are welcome Sandra. Gra passed away on the 21st April this year. 4 months today. I do the same as you. My friends have just left after having Sunday lunch with me. First one I’ve done. Gra always helped when we had guests for dinner. Without thinking I put 4 plates to warm. We just have to find our own way through this awful time. No right or wrong way. Take comfort that you are not alone.
I am so sorry you are feeling so alone … there is no time limit on grief and sadly it is all too common to feel the loss more keenly when all arrangements have been closed and there is a lost focus coupled with the exodus of so many it is little wonder you feel alone.
Be kind to yourself … it’s ok to feel however you’ve feel … this is your grief and your journey we are all different. HUGE hugs … I am going through losing my Mum at age 103, and then my brother died suddenly … crazy days xxx
I’m trying to move on, after losing my partner Frances in December, tonight a friend came to chat to me, asking how I am and we got talking and inevitably I started talking about Frances and the tears came, it happens quite often but I am not ashamed to cry in public. Most of my friends understand the position I am in, and offer sympathy and sympathy. Which much appreciated. But majority don’t understand that they are not in the same position, as they have not lost someone really close. Just offering sympathy. But that’s life. I just try to carry on and get through the day. I hope that this will inspire you to do the same. Eddie
Huge hugs and thank you… xxx
You are welcome anytime Eddie.
Every one needs to keep talking, it’s a Shame we all not in the same location to meet and talk, it’s helping me to just talk on this site. It doesn’t alter the fact when I close the page the greif comes flooding back, but for a small moment in time it’s easier, I’m early into my wife’s loss June 21st 2022, so I see no light af the end of the tunnel but I’ll tell you what I do see on here “caring humen beings” because of the curved ball life has given us all so don’t be lonely ill always reply to anyone
Thank you Ian. So sorry you are having to cope with the loss of your wife. My heart goes out to you.
I too will respond to anyone who needs words of comfort when it’s a tough day. Take care.
Love to everyone. G. xx
Thank you glen, I’m sure we get through this, but only with each other within this groupe
I can feel your pain. I lost my husband unexpectedly 2 months ago. We were together for 42 years and this Thursday we would have been married for 38 years. I am missing him so much and I know this is going to be an even sadder day for me. Losing someone you love so much is so hard and I can relate to all the feelings and emotions many of you are talking about.
Yes Ian - this is a really helpful opportunity for us all to talk and it definitely is, a good thing is t it. Just sharing with others going through the same thing makes us feel less alone. But like you say when we leave the conversations we are having there we still are - without that one special person we could just “be” with. I lost my husband on 8th July and miss him all the time. I don’t think there is a moment of my day when I am not sad and grieving no matter what I am doing. It helps to make plans and go out and see people but underneath it - even when I am doing stuff - theres this horrible,underlying despair whereas before I always had an underlying happiness. Let’s just keep talking and help each other and ourselves if we can
Hi Mel - we were married for almost 30,years and I lost him 2 months ago too. It was our wedding anniversary last week and I cried my way through that day. I am trying to keep busy and go out and see people as being home alone without him is even worse. But underneath anything I do I am always only a few seconds away from crying again. Can’t feel happy anymore - total opposite of the person I was before and just miss him all the time
Hello Mel. A warm welcome to this community. Anniversaries are another painful reminder of the love that has been lost. I too recently had to go through our 16th wedding anniversary since my darling husband passed away in April. It will be a day you are dreading. Whatever you decide to do, it will be right for you. I personally decided to put a photo of us on our wedding day on Facebook to my friends with a message saying that I was blowing heavenly kisses up to him. Messages flooded to help me through the day. Reach out to those you feel comfortable with in whatever way you can. I’m sure the rest of this lovely community won’t mind me saying that we will be thinking of you on Sunday. God bless and take care. xx G.
Apologies Mel, I meant on Thursday. xx