My Innocent Sister.

Hello , Everyone I just lost my sister June 24, 2021 . Before the week my sister passed away I lost my cousin on June 18, 2021 . I don’t understand what’s going on here but it’s hurting my soul . My sister drowned when she was 9 years old back in 2005 my mom and I took care of her until 2018 where she got really sick . She had skeptic shock but the doctors thought she would pass away because she wasn’t responding to treatment but my sister fought her way and chose her path and that she wasn’t going to give up . My sister died 2 years later June 24, 2021 . And it was sudden my mother visited her the day she died and it’s so hard to process thoughts because we don’t know how or what she died from . So it hurts so much , I am strong because I believe my sister chose her path she was suffering so much in this life , couldn’t walk or talk . I feel in my heart that my sister wanted to go on her own terms but I also feel like it wasn’t her time .

I am literally hurting I have my good days and my bad days . I just feel so bad for my mom . That she’s hurting

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Gbeda, the love you have for your sister is written in every word of your post but also you understand what she was feeling. It hurts when we loss our loved ones and they stay in our thoughts forever. There’s a poem that says they are woven into our soul and I feel that is true. You must have lovely memories and sharing them with your mum will help you both. Yes, you do sound strong and that will get you through the tough times that life will throw at you. It does take time to get use to the fact that people we love have left us and we miss there presence. Give your mum lots of hugs. S xx

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Thank you ! So much