My lovely Jan

My wife passed three years ago……I am still grieving for her. It all happened so quickly one minute she told me about a lump 6 weeks later she was gone……after 30 years together. I really don’t understand it all. I miss her so so much. I cannot see any future for me. I plod on hour after hour day after day week after week………a huge part of me died with my lovely Jan. I am lost.


I lost my Joan 5 months ago and am totally empty and lost. I know how you feel, WRONG, I don’t know how you feel as no-one knows how I feel. Sorry, I wish I can help. Can only wish you the very best and say you are not alone.


Dear Winger. I lost my husband Peter just over 3yrs ago and i am still grieving for him his death was also sudden he was taken ill early on the thursday morning by the friday hospital phoned to tell me he had died he had covid and sepsis my world changed that day forever we had been together 40yrs married 32yrs i have alife of sorts see my 4 children and 7 grandchildren regularily but life seems dull and meaningless without him so i do understand how you feel. He was a lincolnshire lad and loved mablethorpe and skeggness. Hugs to you. Jenny. X


Dear Winger. I read somewhere that grief is the price you pay for love.
There’s no time limit, it will always be there.
I know there is advice out there about managing grief but it’s a long hard road.
It’s been just under 6 months since Karen passed away and I’m still numb. I do what I have to do as regards working and keeping house but I still have this thought at the back of my mind of who am I doing it for.
I know Karen would want me to keep going, she told me often enough but it’s not always that easy. I keep going so I can share my memories with others but there are days when I don’t feel like doing anything.
The hard part is doing it alone bc Karen and I did everything together.
I wish you well


Sorry about your loss Sean. I am totally lost to be honest. I am doing things that I hate doing. I am not doing things that I should be doing. I really don’t know what my future holds to be honest……I am waiting for someone to happen to cheer me up. Take good care of yourself. :pray: