my lovely wife

its so hard to cope from day to day ive taken time off work cant see myself going back
on medication to cope but i am still lost without her suicidal sometimes
its hard

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Hi Dez
I’m so sorry you are feeling so much pain at the moment. It is so hard to get through the days without our loved ones and it often feels like we would rather be with them.
Please look after yourself and keep reaching out for support.
If you need extra support from your mental health service get in touch with them right away or get in touch with the Samaritans or nhs 24. There are people who can talk to you and get you the right help you need.
Things are always changing with grief. You will not feel this way for ever. Try hold onto the love that you shared and know that she is still there in your heart and that the pain you feel reflects the love you still share.

Try to look after yourself and keep posting on here - we all understand and can offer support and understanding as we are all in the same sad boat.
Sending hugs and strength xxx


Hi @Dez

So sorry for the loss of your partner :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Glad you have felt the courage to reach out for support, it’s probably the worse feeling in the world loosing your partner. This community is really supportive, please keep talking to people when you need to.

If your feeling suicidal, please reach out for support. You can call the Samaritans, 999, 111, or contact your GP. You will feel very low but it won’t last forever, I promise it does get easier.

As for work that can wait! I honestly felt the same as you, I thought I’d never want to go back but I went to have a catch up with my boss on Friday and I am actually looking forward to going back to get some routine back. It’s 8 weeks since I lost my partner

Sending lots of love and hugs xx

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