My mam

Hi everyone it’s the eve of the first year of been without my mam she died very suddenly a year ago tommorow of cancer we didn’t even know that she had cancer we thought she just had a bad back by the time we found out it was too far advanced and to this day I carnt believe she as gone that I haven’t seen her or spoke to her in a year I have a journal I write to her in and I have loads of family around me but it doesn’t help it’s like a part I have to go through on my own
And the strangest thing is this time a year ago we was sat waiting on my mam to leave us and tonight I’m sat waiting on my new granddaughter to be born and she should have been here yesterday but o think my mam is wanting her to come on her memorial so instead of us been sad on this day we will have a new life to be happy about xx


Hi @Claira,
My mom passed away 2 years ago from brain tumors, it was a very aggressive cancer. I like the idea of writing to her in a diary. When my mom first passed, I wrote her a letter, & when I went to pay my respects at the funeral parlor, I put it in with her. Sending hugs of support, & congratulations on your granddaughter.


Thank you I have recently come out of hospital so haven’t had chance to get back to you but whilst I was in there I got so down I just wanted my mam and her headstone went up while I
Was in hospital and I just carnt bring myself to go see it because then
It’s like she really as gone I still think to myself she’s just at work or she on holiday and I will be seeing her soon xx

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