My message to Jim

30 years we had my darling before you was cruelly taken away from me. Thank you for 30 wonderful years and all the memories you have left me. We had a wonderful life together ups and downs as everyone has but we always told each other how much we loved each other. I remember the fun we used to have going on holidays and touring in our caravan. Only last May we was on the Isle of Wight little did we know it would be our last trip together. I hope I was a good wife to you my darling, you was the best husband anyone could ever want and I miss you every minute of everyday. My life stopped at 3.16pm on the 12th August last year when you stopped breathing I held your hand as you was called to heaven. I hope you didn’t suffer my sweetheart as I couldn’t bear to think you was in pain. I like to think you are in heaven with Bill and your mum and if dogs are allowed in heaven Sam and Gypsy until I can join you and we can all be together again for eternity. Thank you for everything you have ever done for me and I wish I had told you more how much I appreciated you ,I don’t think I told you enough and for that I’m sorry. I will miss you forever and ever xxxxx💔 night night my darling and remember what we used to say every night " see you in the morning" and you would answer "I hope so ". Love you Jim x


So beautiful. Brought tears to my eyes.

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Lovely xxx

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Thank you sad2 it made me cry writing it but it came from the heart just wish he could see it x

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