My mother passing.

My mother was diagnosed with stage four brain tumour on the 19th September last year.
My mum was so fit and healthy, she felt unwell one day then week later we got the horrendous news.
I had to go from my office job to being my mums full time carer. We lost my mother 10 weeks and 2 days after her diagnosis. My mum passed day after my birthday , 4th December.
Im really struggling, I don’t want to do anything with my family and friends, I’m causing arguments with anyone who will listen to me.
All I see at night is my mum going through the pain with the seizures and watching her pass. I can’t concentrate on anything apart from my mum. Work, family, friends, relationship is all going downhill and I just don’t care.

I am so sorry for your loss, I am new on here just posted today. If I can help in some ways.
I can understand I lost my Mum 4 years ago this March. At the time you feel so alone and do feel you don’t want to do anything but within time it can get better in ways. I just say do what you feel is right and try not to worried about others all the time.

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I’ve just joined today. I’m so sorry for your loss. It must’ve been incredibly hard for you to care for your mum & see her in so much pain. I found that looking at photos of my dad in happier times helped me after I lost him. I know it’s a small thing but maybe it’ll help you too.