My mum died recently

I feel so sad for you all. I hope you get the answers you deserve.

Doesn’t sound weird at all. I think we’d all give anything to have one more minute with our mums.
You’re right, it is like a punch to the stomach. It’s a real physical pain, I find myself unable to breathe when the realisation hits.
I have a scarf of my mums, smells like her. It does give me comfort if only for a moment.

I was at my mums yesterday and I used some of her moisturising cream and the scent made me feel like she was close. How lovely that you have the scarf. That must be such a comfort. X

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Exactly how I feel I knew she’d go one day but I’d hoped that she’d have had an illness so you can prepare yourself

With us not being able to have the funeral due to coroner and post mortem is just dragging it out if that makes sense

What hurts with me I was told the ward had a cordless phone so you can speak to the patients for 6 hours the day before she died we tried to get nursing staff to answer and they never did even switchboard couldn’t get an answer , wanted to know if she wanted me to visit her the following day what she would have wanted taking just to Hearn her voice , then waking up to be told she’d gone

I think she just gave up the only vision I have of her is strapped to an ambulance chair with a blanket , she even say oh so you later , will you be ok , make sure the cats are shut in, etc

Putting on a brave face is public is ok

It’s the breaking down alone that isn’t ok

I lost my mom on 28th November so unexpectedly. I only lost my dad last March and just cant believe this has happened. Miss her so much already. Been a delay with coroner so we dont even have a cause of death yet. Really struggling seeing all the christmas stuff about and people happy. I know life goes on but right now i just want the world to stop. Not sure what i am expecting from this community but dont want to trouble friends as they all excited for Christmas.

I’m so sorry to hear about your mum and dad.
Lost my mum on the 22nd so know how it all feels. So many different emotions, but utterly overwhelming sadness that I won’t see my mum again. Ever.
It physically hurts inside when I say that.
Doesn’t seem real.
Your friends won’t see it as trouble, reach out to them. None of us can do this alone.

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I have managed to put some Christmas decorations up today, mainly for my youngest. What’s sad is, on the side at her home is the Xmas food shopping list. That hurts so much.
Also this sounds crazy but I have just watched the final of ‘I’m a celebrity get me out of here’ and I feel so upset as she was excited for it this year and watched the first 3 episodes. I think this is my life now. Always thinking about her, missing her and aching for her.

Im the same. I feel like im stuck. I cant really see any joy in anything and the whole Christmas thing makes it worse. Its very difficult learning to live with grief because ife started to realise that’s what i have to do, because its not going to just dissappear. It does make me feel slightly less alone when i see comments on here, and we all seem to feel the same way. Xx sending you lot’s of love xx

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I am in the same situation :see_no_evil: lost my Mum week ago

Hi all, I hope you’re all doing as well as you can. I have had my up and downs. It’ll be 7 weeks since my mum passed away on Wednesday and tomorrow is her birthday.
I have recently started replaying her last day and trying to see what I could have done differently or how we could have saved her. Sleep comes restlessly. I am still of off work and due back at the beginning of January but the idea of working gives me anxiety. It just feels that life is back to normal if I go back, when life will never be the same. Until you lose a mum I dont think you understand the pain.
Sorry for rambling, just knew that if anyone would understand it would be someone here x


We all feel the same. Our mums were the most important people to us and to be without them just feels impossible.
Have you gone back to work yet? I’m due to go back soon but can’t face it.
My emotions are so unpredictable. I miss her so much, when I think of her I just cry, those really big crys, know what I mean?
The ones that take your breath away.
Try not to think over how it happened. There nothing any of us could have done, don’t add guilt to the already massive list of emotions you’re feeling.
Take care x


I just dont know how to be without her. Her passing was just so sudden that I didnt have time to process.
I am still off work and due back on the 20th but dont think I can face it. I spoke to my boss about and OH referral to discuss a phased return but wonder if thats the right thing. I feel like i should be looking to go back to work and getting my life back on track because i feel its what mum would have wanted and its whats expected.
I just feel pressure to go back to normal from pressure i put on myself. I dont know how to remove that and not worry about work but i hate letting my team and boss down.

Has anyone had an OH referral? What can they do? Was it helpful? X