My mum

Lost my mum back in early January we were all away in Norfolk. She was poorly very quickly. She suffered a bleed on the brain and a heart attack . We were unable to visit her in hospital. Due to covid but then as her condition got bad and there was nothing more they could do . They let us visit but as we had to come home it was a good 2 1/2 hrs drive back to the hospital. Managed to see her the morning of the day she died.
Lost my dad Christmas 2019 so just about coping with that and now feeling lost , lonely , empty . I have been with mum over the last 2 years seeing her most days and now have nothing . It’s very difficult and friends struggle with what to say .

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Dear @Bec49

It can be very difficult for friends as friends do not always know how to react if they have not experienced the loss of a loved one.

Have you contacted your GP for support and to see if there are any local support bereavement groups in your area? It would be worth contacting your GP and letting them know how you feel and to see they can help you. Do you have extended family that can support you and spend time with you?

Sue Ryder here have information and support on how to cope with grief and bereavement.

Another organisation called Cruse Bereavement have information on Grief and Loneliness which you may find of support to you also.

Please take care of your self and continue to reach out and connect with members here.


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