My Mum

I haven’t been around later as I have been in quite a dark place and not knowing how to get out of it.My lovely Mum has been gone for 6 mths it seems like yesterday I sometimes reply the phone call in my head telling me she’s gone. Lovely Dad is still with me but I am having to clean there home and it is starting to feel like it’s a house not there lovely home.

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Dear @Katz

I am sorry to read you have been in a dark place but glad you have come on here to reach out and chat. Talking helps.

You are still in the early stages of grief, and it will be a rollercoaster ride of good days and bad days. No textbook can prepare you for the loss of a loved one and everyone acts differently to a loss. There is no right way or wrong way, you do it your way and at your pace. Take one day at a time and be gentle with yourself.

How lovely to have your dad to speak to and share many memories of your mum, when you are ready perhaps you would like to share a memory or story here about your mum.

We are all here for you Katz, you are not alone. Take care of yourself.


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