My mum

Just feeling so tired but can’t sleep feeling so alone. My mum died Monday morning at 6.18 after a massive intracerebral haemorrhagic stroke. I’m devastated we’d had a row a few weeks earlier and she was only when she died. I feel like I’ve killed her. My family are totally disjointed and I’ve had to spend time with them trying to keep a dignified front when I just want to curl up and dir


Im so sorry for your loss .your mind is processing so many things at once and its all normal It takes time .its not your fault .My family situation is that i have a brother who i dont get on with or his 2nd wife its so hard to keep it together.Just know your not alone on here .im new on here and its helping to know im not alone in my feelings and thoughts .


Hi so tell me have you had a loss


My father died in feb of 4 different cancers .My mother told me of my fathers cancer diagnosis by text message then the evening before his funeral told me she was my dads 3rd wife ! Im 49 years old why wasnt i told before his funeral i have a brother who i dont get on with hes known for many years so im now questioning is he my father and thats why i wasn’t told so ive lost my identity :broken_heart:

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Oh I’m so sorry that’s harsh and a shock to you but try to remember you are you and appreciate you for you. My mum was a complex person who did a lot of damage to my own family and caused a huge rift. So sitting with the family that I don’t any longer respect is awful as my sister is playing the role of mother to my daughter. Have you spoken to your mother about your concerns


If my messages come over as erratic I apologise but I feel unhinged as as much as mum did damage I still adored her and she was my best friend

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Yes ive spoken to her but she sees no wrong in her and my fathers deceit and everything is my fault

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