My name is Caroline

I lost my darling husband just over a week ago and have his funeral on Tuesday how do I get through it he had terminal cancer but the end came sooner than I thought I wasn’t ready I miss him so much I’m trying to be strong dose this grief get any more bearable I’m know on my own as family live along way off
Any advice on how to get through Tuesday


Hello @Caz2211, I am so sorry for the loss of your husband. I hope you find the community to be a support.

You’ve asked for some advice, so I wanted to share our Supporting yourself through grief pages with you. They can help you to understand some of what you might be going through right now.

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but in the meantime, we have lots of threads on our loved ones funerals that you might find helpful to read. If you click the magnifying glass you can read some, or you can browse them here: I hope you can find some comfort and advice in them.

Please do keep reaching out - you are not alone.

Oh Caroline, I am so sorry for your very recent loss.
I lost my husband to cancer 10 months ago.
It helped me to think of his funeral as the last nice thing I could do for him.
I wrote down everything I wanted to say - I thought i might struggle but the words came easily - and the music.
‘I know you by heart’ by Eva Cassidy I knew he liked Eva Cassidy but I’d never heard that song before - but it really spoke to me.
Cherish your final goodbye - it’s hard but I think it helps knowing you have put your heart into it.

Much love and hugs .x


i planned my husbands funeral. Wrote it all. We had any dream will do as we went in sang by him. He had a lovely service and afterwards we celebrated his life by having screen with all the lovely pictures on relay and songs from the musicals. That was our thing. Every day i cry of course we all do i talk to him all the time😢

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