My nest friend and husband

I lost my best friend April 1 of 2021. Je was riding his motorcycle when a young person ran a red light. He suffered four days before arresting during a surgery to stabilize numerous broken ribs.
I am lost. Every heavy motorcycle I hear tricks me into thinking he is coming home. It does not seem possible that he has gone. At 60 I wonder how I can wait until its time for me to go? What if its 20 years or more? How do I survive?

Hi Chandi. I’m so sorry for your loss. I too am new to this community. As you read through these posts you will see that we all feel the same way as you. The pain and loneliness is overwhelming sometimes and there’s no escaping it. Just getting through the day is an accomplishment. I try to occupy my time any way I can just as a diversion. But at the end of the day, he’s still not here. I wish you peace. :heart:

Thank you. It does help to know and hear of others experiences