My niece

My 24 yr old niece hung herself just under two weeks ago and I went to see her yesterday.
I don’t want believe she has gone I can’t stop crying and I have caught covid to so can’t get a hug off my hubby and alone in the spare room.
I am really struggling and feel there is no one to talk to as don’t want to upset them too in their grief

Dear Tamsil,

So sorry to read about your loss. It must have been so hartbreaking for you to go and see your niece yesterday. I hope that she looked peaceful. It is so sad when someone can see no other way out of their pain than to end their lives and it must be so hard for those who loved them dearly and are left behind. At a time like this, you need support and I can understand that having coid right now makes things even harder for you. It is good that you have come to this site. In the past 2 years I have seen many posts on here from people who have experienced a loss due to suicide, and I hope that some of them will reach out to you as they can best understand what yoy are going through.
There is also a charity called ‘sobs’ that offers support to ‘survivors of bereavement though suicide’. On this link you can find more information and details of a phone support line that s open daily from 9am to 9pm: Suicide Bereavement – Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (
I hope you will soon be out of isolation so that you can have that hug you so need. For now, I am sending youy a big virtual hug. xx Jo