My parent

Hi my world has been turn upside down :disappointed: I have lost the love of my life my soul mate my husband two cancer just over four weeks ago . I don’t know if I can cope anymore. The pain is so bad nothing is the same . I feel so emotional and so empty inside there is know meaning two anything anymore I can’t eat sleep finding it really hard two even go upstairs . Please don’t get me wrong my family are here all of them . It’s so hard I come home and he is not here when I go two cemetery I don’t want two leave my beautiful husband I love you :disappointed::heart:

Hi, so sorry to hear you lost your husband, life is so cruel, i lost my mum in July and it’s so hard knowing I will never see her again, I feel so lost, I’m 58 & feel like a little girl again it’s so strange, i feel guilty shes not here, angry how quickly she went, i cared for her till the end, and I miss her so much, part of me died the day she left us, going to the cemetery is tough, its like I’m in a dream & I keep thinking how did this happen :pensive: I have two daughters who are amazing, two brothers & still my dad but I still feel so alone, I’ll never be the person I was, it’s a tough journey we are on, I do hope your ok, messaging on here does help knowing others are understanding what your going through, we are here for each other,keep in touch

It’s so hard .