My parents died 3 weeks apart

My dad, who I was extremely close to died of prostate cancer on the 3rd of November.
My mum died of a catastrophic brain haemorrhage on the 28th of November.
I didn’t have a great relationship with my mum - she had had two previous brain haemorrhages which had made her a very difficult person to cope with. Dispite this I spent every Monday with her. She and dad had had to separate 3 years earlier due to my mums needs becoming to much for him to cope with and her emotional coldness when he was diagnosed with cancer.
I was a carer for both of them.
I’m miss my dad dreadfully- since mum died I have cried everyday because I just want him to help me sort everything out and bounce in my front door with one of his random gifts.
I feel like a broken woman. I’m keeping things going for my husband and the kids who have lost a full set of grandparents in less than a month - they are coping amazingly well.
My mums death has brought a lot of relief for me as I will no longer have to manage her difficult behaviour and her constantly sacking her support workers. I mourned her loss a long time ago.
I just feel like I’m never going to get over how I feel in this moment.
I miss my dad - his unwavering support, love and he was my biggest champion.
I’m just lost at sea I suppose.

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Dear Lynseylou

Welcome to the Community. I so sorry for your loss. Understandably you would feel broken with everything you have been through. To lose one parent is hard but to lose 2 parents within 3 weeks apart is even harder mentally and emotionally.

Cruse Bereavement offers a helpline, email support and support groups through their local services:, this may be of help to you.

There is also Sue Ryder Bereavement Information and Support Pages which you may find useful

Take care.