Sorry to hear of all your loved ones passings. You will never be alone as long as you keep coming on here.
I’ve found this site has really comforted me knowing all the others have words of belief to help others through a traumatic experience in their lives.
Your loved ones are with you in spirit .
Take care and best wishes.
I’m having a bad day this morning . Missing my husband so much . The pain dosent seem to easing . It’s been 8 weeks today , I miss him so much , taken from me so suddenly . I can’t accept this because he was only 49 and feel the doctors could have done more . Sometimes I feel I should have done more , it’s driving me mad about what IF. Is this normal to feel like this ? All though we was together 17 years , we only got married last year march so it’s coming up to our wedding anniversary aswell . It’s going to be a very sad instead of a happy day to process . We have a 14 year old daughter who dosent talk much about things . I feel so drained . I hope I can get through this pain . I know I’m not the only person suffering but today it feels like it’s just me, alone and sad. It would be nice if there was some bereavement groups where people could meet up and talk about things in person , get people out the house but would have to be for people of roughly my age group. If anyone knows of any please let me know .
Hi i know the pain you are going through at the moment your experience is so similar to mine paul was 53 and it will be 8 weeks on Wednesday , and i actually dont know how i have managed to be here at times , being on here dose help at times everyone can be very supportive , i cry most days thinking life is not fair why him why now when everything was going so well for us , i cant really give you any great words of wisdom, but i am a good listener your not on your own take and try to think positive which is easier said xx
Thankyou for your reply makes me feel less alone . I understand as time gets on it’s easier but I find it so hard at times especially like today . Do you feel lost at times and can’t understand why it’s happend to you . I think the plans that were made are the hardest part of it , not being able to do these anymore with your loved one . I can’t bear to do them on my own at the moment . Thankyou for your support
Im feeling low past few days too. My Allan was ill for 11weeks then died of pancreatic cancer in June last year.
I have a son 22 with a disability so younger than his years.He has shut down and is struggling to talk & i want to take away some of his pain/grief but i feel hes distant at the moment.
I feel like im going backwards as i feel very lonely and scared and unsure of everything today.
Yes drained is the word.We have a 40minute chat on zoom sunday nights,people off this forum, it helps me. Yes i can echomost of what you say so sending hugs
Hi Lynnec
It will be 2 months for me next Thusday since my Jacquie left. It has been very hard. Last Thursday, 2 weeks on from us laying her to rest, was a terrible day. I felt her loss profoundly that day, more so than any other. Don’t know why, but it was an incredibly hard evening to get through. I don’t know how i have got to this point. I am shattered, phsically and emotionally.
Glad to be able to come on here and realise i am not alone.
Hi ive been the same some days for no reason i just beak down , i am very grateful to 1 work colleague and my step daughter who have been my rocks , so called family and best friend no were to be seen these days , i hope you have got some support , iam always checking if someone needs just a quik message take care x
I feel very lost at times , and cancelling plans has been hard aswell as contacting people i usually apologise first as i always end up a blubbering mess ob the phone ive got 2 things to sort out then hopefully that will be all the paperwork done , i hope you have got someone supporting you through all of this x
What time is the zoom on a Sunday please , this would be good for me to join when I feel up to it . All these messages feel like they save you when you’re feeling so low .
I didnt know there was one xx
7.30pm Sundays-message KarenF who`ll send you a link
Hi i am sorry you are having to go through this pain and heart breake i lost my partner 3 weeks ago suddenly she was only 44 and we was due to be married in October i also feel like more could of been done i was giving my partner c.p.r for 25 mins befor the ambulance even turned up now i blame my self for her death thinking i did not do c.p.r properly we was together for 7years and because we was not married her nasty family have over taken everything and have blocked me out from doing anything even tho her wishes was to be cremated and to stay with me and me with her if anything ever happens to me am so sorry for going on i hope your pain does start to get better plz try and stay strong you can message me to talk or vent any time night or day take care
This is so sad , the pain must be indescribable. We had only been married 10 months we would have been celebrating our 1st wedding anniversary tomorrow. We had been together 17 years though . My husband passed away at home and I tried my best to get him comfortable before the paramedics came and did cpr. We al thought he was having a heart attack but the coroner report stated it was a pulmonary embolism . The worst thing is he went to the doctors a few days before and was told he had a virus . If I’d have thought it was more serious I would have taken him to the hospital to get checked but I trusted what the doctor told us . There’s always what IF,s I suppose but you must think you did everything you could and that’s the main thing . You was there with your fiancé and she wasn’t alone .
My heart goes out to you. I feel your pain because I lost my precious wife of 57 years on the 16th February—just over 2 weeks ago. The whole thing happened so quickly that it left me in a daze, and I still haven’t fully recovered. I have no idea when the grief will end, everyone reacts differently, but I can tell you that others are going through the same emotions as yourself. Stay strong for those who love us, that’s how your partner would want it. Lots of hugs to you.
So sorry for your loss my husband passed on the 5th January he had a telephone consultation with gp 3 days before he was told he had a chest infection prescribed antibiotics he paseed during the night in Saturday i left him “sleeping” as i thought i came home from work to find he had passed in his sleep i live with we should of gone to a&e the comfort i am learning to manage is he was at home the celebrant when she visited our home said he got to spend longer at home its hurts all of the time x
Hi am sorry you are going through this my partner was 44 years old she also had a chest infection next day after a call with her doctor she had a cardiac arrest and went into coma and died 6 days later and its her funeral on the 12th so 2 days away and i am not handling it good at all i was giving my partner c.p.r for 25 mins befor the ambulance even got here we was due to be married in October after she passed i also found out she had lung cancer which she didn’t know about and to finish of all my pain and hurt her family over took her funeral not let me have any say in anything and told u was not welcome to her wake as i am not family x
I am so sorry for your loss and everything you are dealing with its traumatic and a mindfield of emotions my husbands funeral was the 28th February its hard to go through and deal with i hope you have support around you although even with support is a devastating lonely place to be
Sending you my love
Hi thankyou for your support i have had little supp
Hi thanks for your support it means a lot , as it dose for any one who messages, ive not had a kot of support from my family, i hope you have, its never going to be the same losing your other half and i dont think anyone really understands the pain that you go through, take care
Nor did I. Could I request a link too for Sunday evenings too