My partner died on Saturday, not sure how to cope

My fiancé (34) was found dead Saturday morning by his parents. We weren’t living together yet, he was supposed to move in next week. We were getting married in July and had plans for holidays etc.

I spoke to him Friday night and was going to see him Saturday as normal. Then this happened. I don’t know how to survive without him. All I can do is cry and lay in bed.

He was the nicest man I’ve known, always supported me even when I was mean, so understanding, respected me always and always told me how beautiful I was. Nothing will be the same again.


@Catladyspain that must have been really difficult.
If all you can do is cry then do just that. If you want to stay in bed then do it. You and you alone have to navigate this. Just in-between eat something and make yourself a drink.I believe most of us on here have felt like this, i know i have.
My Husband died in 11 weeks of pancreatic cancer so very unexpected 8 months ago,
.Your world has been turned upside down and you need to be kind to yourself. I found writing a journal, helped to calm my mind but you are in the very early stages yet. Keep posting here, it helps as we are all in this painful process that none of us would ever want.


I lost my sister she was visiting my wife in hospital and collapsed and died beside my wifes bed of a brain bleed :broken_heart:
Lost my wife four days later of pancreatic cancer that had spread to her liver.
I’m finding being on here and sharing all our thoughts helps us to help each another.
Take care :heart:


I feel for you so much and you are not on your own iam not good with words , its been a month for me and i struggle all the time , but i you need to get things off your chest there is always someone on here who will listen and not judge x


Not one that’s great either but find i’m getting better as i go along. :heart::feather:


What happened my beautiful ?

@silverfox Pancreatic cancer is horrendous, i lost my Husband 8 months ago and again it had gone into his liver and lungs. It was 11 weeks from feeling ill to passing away. And a month after diagnosis. I miss him terribly. Take care everyone.


Found out today it was a heart attack. I’m thankful it was quick and he was happy in general. I went to see him today which is something I never thought I’d want to do but it has helped so far. Just wish there’s something I could have done and I’m so sad our future has been ripped apart.


There is nothing wrong with crying laying in bed all the time and no one knows how to cope you just go through the d


Hi catladyspain
Do what you need to do to get through it. It is a horrible thing to go through, as all on here can testify.
I find messaging on here really helps. You feel like it is only happening to you, until you read other posts, and as hard as some of the comments on here are hard to read, because of others stories, at least you know you are not going through this alone.
No-one can go through this for you, that is sadly all our crosses to bear, but you may read some words of advice which may make things easier for you.
Good luck in what is a really tough journey.


I am so sorry for your loss,my fiancé passed 7 months ago,it’s so hard and each day people say it does get easier. I think that depends on each person. It is still very early for you but please remember your life together. I go through wearing his jacket to not being able to cos it upsets me,photos have been in and out of a draws,i wouldn’t want this grief for anyone but we will go through it and get through it in time.

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Hi Rosie1960,
Yes it is a confusing time. Your head is all over the place and it’s like you are lost in a fog.
We had her funeral today, and it was strangely the calmest day ì have had sibfe she died. She must have given me some inner strength.
I have some fantastic memories with her, but the bad ones do keep creeping in currently.
Nothing prepared me for her loss and no-one could ever replace her. It’s hard to miss someone so much.


yes, it’s a week now since he was found. It’s been a bit difficult as we normally would do some plan on Saturdays, although I seem to have been crying less the past few days. Then I feel guilty for not crying, although I know he wouldn’t want me to be sat crying constantly anyway. As you said, step by step, we will get there


@Catladyspain I’m so sorry for your loss what a terrible shock for you. It’s such early days just take one day at a time, cry when you need to, I think it helps to release all that emotion but it can hit you when you’re least expecting it. Please reach out on the forum whenever you need to, you are not alone we are here for you, take care x


Hi i am in the same place my partner died wensday out the blue and am struggling so bad hope you find some way to get through this


@Broken1980 I’m so sorry you’ve found yourself here after such a terrible loss. Please reach out to the forum when you need to over the coming weeks, you are not alone and I find it helps to share, take care of yourself


I lost my husband 7 weeks ago suddenly out the blue . I spend most days crying which is fine , I really feel for you and no words can take away the pain . Life is so cruel , I have found reading other people’s stories on here , in a way makes you feel as if you’re not alone.


You are not alone that is for sure, but there are times you really feel alone, but the problem is, no-one can get you through it. The only person who coukd have got me through it is the one i am now missing. What a bitter irony. It is a sad and painful voyage that we are all on to find some closure.
My wife died on the 6th January, so about the same time as your husband. I know she is gone, and have started to accept that i will not see her again, but i expect the sadness and hurt to last for the rest of my life. When she died she took the best part of me with her, and i know that i will eventually have to find a new me, to cope and move on, but i am a long way off doing that at the moment.


Thank you so much for your kind words also sorry for your loss i have found that reading others on here dose tend to help a little the pain you feel when you lose your partner soule mate best mate is like loseing 3 people in one x


Be kind to yourself and don’t be pressured by others. My heart goes out to you.

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