My partner

I lost my partner on Easter Sunday 4 th April 2021 he stood up collapsed and was gone and I wasn’t with him . He was my world the love of my life and I was his . It still seems impossible he’s not here anymore . I am alone and have nobody and I know I will never get over this my life is over . I don’t go out anywhere as I keep getting panic attacks and I feel safe and with him while I’m at home .


I lost my husband with no warning about a week before you. We still don’t know why. When it’s so sudden there is shock and trauma as well as grief. You just need to take it one hour a5 a time sometimes, then one day at a time. You can sign up for Sue Ryder Counselling or with Cruse and do talk to your GP. I found the website refuge in useful as it’s written by someone who lost her partner unexpectedly. Keep posting here - people are very supportive.

Thank you so much for your support and I’m so sorry for your loss too . It’s just so hard to understand why we had so many plans and things to look forward to . I will look into those options you gave me thank you from the bottom of my heart .

Yes, we had just got to the stage where our kids were at Uni and we could begin to focus on our own plans. We’d just booked a holiday as a couple for this summer and next as we loved travelling. Everything in my future has now gone. Even the things I was going to do are no longer appealing to me. He was my strength and my reason for being. Life is going to be very different now and it’s so hard because it’s a life we didn’t choose or want. Sending hugs

Exactly everything was falling into place and we had never been happier in our lives . He always said to me I couldn’t go on without you and now I have to and I don’t know how . Nothing has any meaning anymore it’s all just an empty space than can never be filled . Nothing makes any sense . The pain and longing I feel is unbearable.

The one thing that makes me feel slightly better is that if one of us had to go through this pain I wouldn’t have wanted it to be him. What I can’t bear is the pain I see my children going through.


before she passed we too had never been happier in our lives: a loving relationship for 32 years, financial independence, early retirement in a place we both loved, a mature and smart daughter going abroad to study; we naively thought that we shall be happily ever after. You never know what life is in stock for you. Now everything has fallen apart and I don’t know how to pick up the pieces…