My poor dog dying a year after my wife.

Might well do at the weekend while I try to figure out the rest of my life. Xx


Thank you @Cathphil , that is lovely xx

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@Mist2 bless you sending hugs. My dog has not been well. I thought I was going to lose him a couple of weeks ago when he had a badly swollen leg and then his body started to swell up, he had been to the vets and had antibiotics and steroids. But he couldn’t even stand up that night. I just could not have coped with losing him after losing Jon in December. Thankfully he is on the mend now although he ended up with a nasty leg wound which is still open and I have to redress a couple of times a day. Trojan was Jon’s constant companion and he suffered enough losing his daddy, he doesn’t deserve this as well. I’m still worried constantly about him. I know how you’re feeling , things can’t get much worse for us can they xx


Thank you @Vixen, you’re right. But the heavy toll that all of this taken on me has left me with terrible anxiety, and it feels like there is nothing but heartache around every corner. We didn’t have a family, so Ariel was our beloved friend that we could shower love on. Life for me is just empty now. Xx


@Mist2 me too with anxiety which I never had before I feel so inadequate without Jon and our dogs are our family too as I don’t have children either. Xx


I totally understand your heartbreak :broken_heart: I had to have my 14yr old baby put to sleep 5 mths after my husband passed, I’m still grieving him as well as my husband. I have no kids so my little family gone just like that. There are just no words to express it. Big hugs


Thank you @LynT .
The grief we already have is already overwhelming, and then another blow.You’re right, it was our little family and now we’re left on our own. No one else breathing and living with you, just an empty, silent house. It’s a very hard journey through life. Big hugs to all xx


I got 3 kids but i might as well not have any ! Theyre all grown up and they got their own lives ! They dont care about me ! :frowning: x


A few days after Steve died my poor old Staffie got colitis. Everything went through her, she was depressed and in pain. I knew it was stress that she was picking up from me, as I had the same and we are so in tune. I broke down at the vets, telling her about our loss, I felt sorry for the poor girl. I really thought I would lose my dog (14.5 years old), but she hung in there. She has been with me through really tough times in the 10 years since I got her from the dogs home, I feel sorry for her, but I’m sure she feels sorry for me too, and isnt ready to let me go it alone.
Our pets are treasures, and I think if we can care for them the best way we can without regrets we can be happy.
I know it wont be long now as her back legs are weakening, but I can’t allow myself to think about it yet.


They give us so much joy throughout their lives. Ariel also came from the Dogs Trust when she was 7 months old, she was 12 in February. The happiness we had with her was beyond measure, I just can’t believe that like my husband she went so quickly. Although she was poorly she had a little game of tug with her favourite squeaky toy last night and she still seemed quite strong. I don’t think I can sink any lower.xx


Hello - want to sympathise with you at this tragic time.
My partner was taking suddenly from me, four weeks ago, and I in a right state over it. I have arthritis in my knees and hips so caring for my 3 little dogs is hard work but I try my hardest as I know my partner would have not wanted them to go elsewhere. I am having problems with the oldest boy at the moment as he sits upright looking round room crying at night. It’s heartbreaking as this one in particular loved his dad like no other.
My heart truly does go out to you. If you ever want to chat send me a line. Though I am not in a good place myself I do realise lots of others are suffering too. Big hug x


Thank you @JRT3 for your kind words and I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s so upsetting to see them distressed when they know something is wrong but can’t understand. Since Hunter died she always waited expectantly for him to come through the door after me and just looked so sad. I can’t believe that they’re both gone now. My world went from contentment to misery in the space of a few months and I don’t think I could ever go through it again with another pet. It must indeed be hard work to care for your little ones with mobility problems, but we do it because of the unconditional love they give us.
@Vixen and @SadGirlfriend … I feel for you both. When our pets have been such a huge part of our lives it’s dreadful to face their increasing frailty and poor health. Just savour every moment with them, hopefully they will be faithful friends to you for a good while yet.
Hugs to all xx