My son and husbands

In May 0f 2021 my son tried to commit suicide. I found him. He recovered from that. After that he was diagnosed with spindle cell sarcoma of the pancreas at the age of 28. He survived that. He got the all clear in may 2022. In November his cancer returned. He had 9 tumours across his lungs. All his organs failed and caught hepatitis and on the 21st December 2022 my sweet baby boy gained his angel wings at 4am on the 21st December aged 31. Then the next days 28 hours after my baby boy gained his angel wings my husband died of a massive heart attack right at my feet. He was pronounced dead in hospital at 8am on the 22nd December 2022


@Paula661 I am so very sorry that this has happened to you and that you have lost your son and your husband so close together. Life is so unfair and very cruel. My husband suddenly and unexpectedly died 18th December 2022. He was 53 years old. Your son and our husbands life has been robbed and our future plans and dreams are gone.
God knows how you are managing but you are still here after a year. I do hope that you have got support from family and friends. Sending you lots of love and hugs Xx

That is absolutely heartbreaking to read :pensive::pensive::pensive::pensive: I hope your ok, I know people say it’s gets better in time, we can only hope :smiling_face_with_tear: I lost my partner 4/12/23, found him passed away in bed :sob::sob: just found out off the coroner last week he had a heart problem he never knew about, absolutely blew me away! But looking back at his symptoms, he had a few, why didn’t we notice! :pensive::pensive::pensive: what an awful hand we feel like we’ve been dealt in life! Why us!