My son

Hi i lost my son 3 weeks ago his is 20 21 on 4th of March witch is his funeral my son haa been doing banger racing since he was 12 spend all his spare time at the yard building his cars i spend most evenings and helping him and weekends taking him to race if i wasn’t with him we would message all the tume them i away check on the cameras at the yard to make shore he locked up this night on the 8th January i checked cameras at 10pm and like normal he was still there checked at 11 he was still there but no lights on so when to the yard about 10miles away thinking he would be asleep in his car and he had been working on his car the jack had slipped and crushed him​:broken_heart:i got him out but was to late my heart is in bits all i can pitcher is that night he was so looking forward to racing this year he had 5 cars he had built ready to race i don’t know how to deal with this so wish it was me and not him under the car most days since i just want to be with him and not here have got family and friends Daniel had loads of great banger racing friends but they don’t really know what to say to me im on tablets from doctors to help me sleep all i can think and see in my head is did he struggle to try get out how scared he must have been ect i don’t know how to deal with it its getting hatder and harder every day :broken_heart::broken_heart:


We are here to hold you, keep posting keep breathing , crying resting and try to eat that’s all you can do for now. I am so sorry so tragic but you can share all on here, I hope it helps. Please take care

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Just checking in, I hope you are being kind to yourself, we are here when you need us.

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Thank you its hard i have my good hrs and my bad missing my Daniel like mad todays not such a good day as its my birthday tommorow we was going to the first race of the year his brother showed me his car he had covered up for it got alk birthday messages all over it its heart breaking he had so much to look forward to in life his life was just beginning :broken_heart::broken_heart:

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