My son

My son was found dead on the 21st Dec 2021. I still don’t know why as there is a investigation going on. He was back in my life for 4 months as we were not speaking but always there for each other. I am struggling with guilt. I miss him. I am trying to be positive which everyone wants but inside I’m falling apart.


Cassie, I am sorry that you lost your son and I can understand that you feel guilty and grief does make many of us feel guilty when really we should not. We also have the feeling that we should put on a brave face when we just want to sit and cry. Have you thought of counselling because we don’t expect to loss a child. It may also be helpful reading others post who’s son has gone. We are always here for you and the community with give you support. Take care. S xx


So sorry for your loss , unexpected sudden loss is really hard as you never get the chance to say anything that has been left unsaid or the thought of the day when you can reconcile and get back on track
Wish you well

Thank you for getting in touch. I hear what your saying. I love and miss him so much. I talk to him a lot. Its just the guilt.

The guilt is the hardest thing - I think you were a mum and our children know - despite decisions made x

Have you lost a child? X

@Cassie21 I haven’t lost a child - & I can’t begin to imagine how horrific that must be - honestly I’m so sorry
I just believe as a mum : deep down that invisible bond is always there no matter what decisions parent or child may make - it’s always there
Much love x


Hi @Cassie21, I’m so sorry for the loss of your son, my heart goes out to you :heart: I lost my son but in different circumstances he was stillborn, there is a chat on here I think the post is called loss of my son aged 27 there are loads of amazing parents on there that may be able to support you alot more than what I could, I hope this helps in some way lorraine xxxx

Oh my goodness you have helped. No matter what age our children pass thy are always our babies. Thank you xx

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I have had a good talk with my youngest son today and I explained how I really feel and I think he finally understands. As I understand his feelings on losing a brother. Thank you for your kindness. X

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