My son

Hello Im new on here,
:dove: I lost my 19yr old child almost 6 months ago. Its been the worse 6
Months ever, we also lost my children’s grandmothers Christmas day. I just feel at a loss but at the same time trying so hard to stay positive for my 4yr old.
My heart is totally broken and i seem to cry everyday away from him.
Little things remind me of my child and feel so bad going into the New year without him. Last month was so hard as it was his birthday, what would of been his 20th.
I miss him so much, i just feel life can be a blur most days, i just don’t look at life the same way, although I have two remaining children that i know i have to keep going for them, My daughter lost her best friend, my youngest often asks where his sibling is?
I try to answer his questions simply, my heart breaks more for them, when all You want to do is protect your children’s hearts.


Hello @Fam,

I can see that you’re new to the community. I hope you find it to be a support to you, but I am so sorry for the heartbreaking loss of your son that brings you here.

Your loss is so very recent and raw so I wanted to share some sources of support that might help you right now.

  • Child Bereavement UK support families with the loss of a child. They also support bereaved children. You can call their helpline on 0800 02 888 40.

  • The Compassionate Friends support families who have lost a child of any age. You can call them on 0345 123 2304

Sue Ryder also has some resources which can help you cope with grief.

It must be so difficult supporting your other children through their grief while grieving yourself. Child Bereavement UK, who I linked above, also support grieving children, as well as families who have lost a child. A lot of our members have also found Winston’s Wish helpful, too. You can call them on 08088 020 021 or visit their website at

Take care and please keep reaching out - you are not alone.


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Hi Fam,
I’m so sorry for the loss of your son. I sympathise with you feeling heartbroken and crying every day, that is how I feel too.
My son passed in May 2021, age 20, i dont feel any less devastated than the day he went. I think the shock in the first year helps us to battle each new day, even if we feel we’re not doing well we somehow find the super power to get through the day.
Take each small step at a time and be kind to yourself, its a roller coaster when you’re suffering the loss of your child, sadly we cant get off it but we can share the ride with others ‘in the know’ and it does make rollercoaster less lonely than if we were alone with our grief.
My son is 22 tomoro, Ive had the biggest melt down this morning and felt so absolutely lost in the pain of his loss.
Coming here to the bereavement support community has helped me to feel ‘normal’ in a world that feels rather alien!
Im not sure what else to add so I’ll send a virtual hug your way and hope it gives you a little comfort

My heart :heartbeat: goes to you and understand what you you are going through.I am in n the same boat x

Thank you for your support. Xx

My heart goes out to you also.

Im so sorry yes birthdays and special and significant dates can be so hard.
If you don’t me wishing your son a happy heavenly birthday.
Thank you for your support it honestly means a lot, connecting with other parents or family members during these times.
Sending you all
Virtual hugs.
:pray:t3::dove::white_heart::candle: xxx

My love to you and so very sorry for the loss of your son.To lose a child whatever age is the ultimate loss.I lost my only child in March he was 51 but to me he will always be my baby my boy.Our children shouldnt go before us.You will find strength for the sake of your other children and you will carry on but your boy will be in your heart and your head for eternity.
My love and hugs to you xxx

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Thank you for getting in touch, your so right it doesn’t matter what age your child is, they should never go before us.
Im so sorry for your loss :pray:t3:.
Yes I literally have to each day of every second, minute and hour. I try not to cry in front my youngest, get up and get on with little things.
I am thankful i have my two children here. My daughter and i are thankful for my youngest, his full of beans and loads of smiles and laughter, so he does keep us going. Xxx

Love and hugs to you also. :pray:t3::dove::white_heart::candle: xx

I totally understand the grief and devastation you feel. I too lost my first born baby in 2007 . I will never recover from this. I’ve existed since . I have two other children and grandchildren and I am blessed for that , and he left me the most beautiful girl who is 17 now . Life goes on but it’s never the same . But our children would want nothing more than for us to be happy and live out best lives and that’s what I’m trying to do . God bless you keep your child I. Your heart he’s always there x

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Hi fam. So sorry to hear this. I lost my son last march on my birthday aged 20. He had a life limiting condition that started in his teenage years… dystonia it were. He were fine till his teenage years. It were totally all traumatic im just existing in life… but ive 2 grown up sons twins aged 29 with autism… i cant stand the thought of never seeing him again. I feel for you. I try walking it helps big hugs x

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