My son

Hello, i lost my beautiful son on 7th june, he was only 28
Im still cant believe it to be honest.
He was living in california and was involved in a car accident.
We flew out the next day and spent 4 weeks there. He passed away in hospital. He was cremated there and we brought him home.
I have just shut everyone out even my parents as i feel this is the only way i can deal with things right now.
I know its very early days but wondered if anyone is willing to share their story x


Hi Karen, I’m so sorry to read your post and the loss of your son so recently. My 28 year old daughter tragically passed away last August and I still can’t believe this is my reality now… I completely resonated with your need to isolate away from people. Unless you have lost a child you can’t possibly understand. Often clumsy comment’s are made by others which then makes me more angry than what I am already. Grief is a very lonely journey with no destination, we have to plough our way through the utter devastation and heartbreak. It’s exhausting so we need time alone to process everything. It’s no wonder we need solitude.
I’m half the person I was and feel broken.
Learning to live the rest of my life without one of my children is indescribable.
I hope you have lots of love and support at home? Be kind to yourself, practice self care when you can it’s vital for our wellbeing. Being connected to nature is so good for you and for me I find moments of peace listening to birds in my garden.
Art has helped me as well, my latest is painting pebbles … great mindfulness. I paint so many for Chloe.
Sending hugs, compassion and understanding to you. :people_hugging::white_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart:

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Hi Karen, I’m so sorry for your loss and my thoughts are with you.
My son died unexpectedly on Christmas Eve - he was only 25. I found it more difficult to cope after the funeral because I was less busy and distracted with organising everything. I went back to work almost straight away because I needed to be kept busy. I have an older son who keeps me going but he finds it hard to talk about his brother so keeps to himself.
I take each day as it comes and keep myself busy with work, gardening or housework. I watch a series of an evening as I don’t sleep well so having the TV on helps me fall asleep.
People say it gets easier and some days are better than others but the hurt and longing for our child will never go. I think about my son every hour of the day and some days it feels surreal.
Accept whatever support you can… even going for a walk with friends can be a welcome distraction.
I found writing on here in those first months helped as others understand and offer support.
My son was also cremated and I have a place where I can go and sit with him and talk.
Look after yourself and please feel free to message if you want to talk xx


Thank you for your kind message
We have a plot which will be ready soon. Memorial is going to be hard. His friends are working hard to make sure they have all photos.
Its going to hit them hard too.
I have a younger son too
They were not close and im not sure how to talk to him about it.
He lives away too so do not see him often.
I was due to go to usa on monday for a holiday to see him and thats what im struggling with at the moment. Its just so hard :sleepy:

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Hello Karen, I have just joined this group as I lost my 34 year old son Sebastian on the 21st June to heart failure and his funeral is this coming Thursday. He was my only child and we were so so close, I am beyond devastated and distraught and just don’t see a future without him. I get through each day at the moment longing for night to come where eventually I fall asleep from exhaustion and I know I will be free for a few hours from the constant grief. It’s only when morning comes and for a nanosecond everything feels normal then ‘Bang’ the reality hits me again. Another day of heartache, tears and longing. I am so sorry for your loss and completely resonate with you. People are very kind but there is no way they can truly understand how I feel which is the moment Sebastian died I died too.


Hi Karen, My sons were not particularly close either and my eldest doesn’t say much but I know he’s hurting too and I’ve let him know that he can talk to me about anything when he’s ready. I lost my youngest brother almost 3 years ago and had only just started coming to terms with it when my son died.
Your son’s friends will no doubt find the memorial difficult but they will be there for you and your son and pay tribute as best as they can.
I would personally take the trip to see your youngest son as I would want to make sure he is coping and it might be a bit of a distraction for you being in different surroundings.
Sending hugs xx

Thank you
He is here now in Bristol for the week
I just find it so hard talking to him.
I think i need to say what you suggested and ask if he needs to talk.

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I hope it isn’t too difficult for you and hopefully your son will want to talk about his brother and share memories xx

I lost my son James on 21/07/24, it was sudden and unexpected. I will never forget that knock on the door from the police. In an instant my life changed forever and this unimaginable journey began. I never knew such pain existed yet my heart continues to beat when its so very broken. I felt trapped in world, unable to get off at your stop. I know you are pushing me back to be with your amazing sister who has given me strength when i don’t have any, giving my heart protection over her own. I know James would be so proud of her.
Losing James consumes my every waking moment. I was his biggest supporter and now he is mine.
I will forever be James’s mum, that will never change, its just a much lonelier place and hard to see the light when such darkness surrounds you.
I feel so sad for James, i mourn his future and the life he deserved. Growing his veg with the sun on his face. A future that i have cruelly taken. It cant be wasted, this pain cant be for nothing.
Every painful day i owe to James. I have to make it count.