My story

I lost my wife in november last year, and iam struggling to cope with things


Hi, so sorry for your loss, it’s so hard isn’t it , the days seem so long now ,and the weekends especially Sundays go on forever, It’s over two years since , my husband died, but those first few months are so bloody horrendous, You don’t know what has hit you , the longing for your partner and the loneliness is just heartbreaking , please keep posting on here , it was a lifeline for me , in fact it still is . We are all here to help each other,because we all do understand . Xtake carex


Thank you i will it is so hard. I just doht know what to do for the best. If you feel this after 2 years

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I lost my husband in November 2022 and struggled too and still do. My eldest son came over on the bus today and we had lunch together. He isn’t married and lives alone. My other son was going to come but changed his mind as he said he had a sore throat. Anyway we struggled together trying to sort out a grave pot with photo on for my late husband’s birthday. We ordered the porcelain photo and sent an email to ask if the writing can go underneath.
We both struggle with getting our head round things. So complicated. But touch wood it will get sorted. So many things outstanding. So hard to adjust to doing things my husband used to do. Glad I was not alone another Sunday. Hope things fall into place for you. It isn’t easy at all. I still struggle with no one to help. Where abouts are you? I live in a village in North Oxfordshire so right in centre of England. My other son lives 9 miles away

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I live in Newcastle upon tyne. My eldest daughter lives at-home she is 26. She is out all day seeing to the horse, so she is busy but iam at home with the dogs. I took early retirement at 55 to look after my wife. But iam now looking to try and find a job to seecif that helps.


@Enorac hi, you did great managing to sort that out today , it must of been so hard , not something that we ever wanted to do , our partners should still be here with us helping us showering us with love ,putting happiness into our days . I still have my son living with me ,with his girlfriend , it does help a bit , but I have to keep the act up that I’m coping , sometimes I just want to scream and shout how unfair this life is . But they are suffering enough with their own grief, and I can’t put mine onto them as well . I don’t put much about myself on here, just incase they come on site or know someone and they realise how bad I still feel .I’m their mam and I have to protect them ,even though the are both adults ( I have a daughter as well) this site is the only place I can be true to myself and let all the hurt out , and get the support I need from kind people on this site . I live in the North East . Sending hugs🤗xtake carex

@Martin56 , I went back to work 4 months after my husband died, i found it did help ,to have some sort of routine, plus I still have bills to pay . Just take it one day at a time even an hour at a time and don’t think to much into the future, you learn to adapt ,but I found the grief has never left me ,I carry it with me like the love I have and will always have for my husband xtake carex

Were abouts in the north east are you Broken2222? Life is so unfair its always the nice good people who get taken away. I cant believe how much better i feel for talking to people who are feeling like me. I put on a brave face and be okay when people ask.

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Hi Martin56

I lost my fiancé at the end of October I’m really struggling to cope as well!!

My Alan was only 57, he was a true gentleman, kind, honest, generous I miss him so much.

I feel so alone and lost, I have no family around me and many friends have stopped calling and popping round…

Take care…


Hi AJo it is so hard and yes everyone just stops and expect you to carry on. My wife lynda was 56 you take care aswell. X

@Martin56 yes it helps being able to talk to people on here. Knowing your not alone in how you feel . I’m from Sunderland xtake carex

Take care. X

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My son travels to that area with his job. He talks to me on the journey as he has a car with hands free.
I remember visiting Newcastle on holiday with my late husband. It was very wet. I look back and am glad I went. It is what we couldn’t do that I am sad about. I chose a photo today to put on his grave when we went on the London Eye because he looked happy then. We had a lovely time going to the theatre afterwards. It was before he was ill. Our children had grown and we were looking forward to what might be next.

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It is a lovely city but it does rain a bit ha ha. X

i live in Newcastle- it’s not raining today but that doesn’t make me feel any happier.
i lost my partner on the 1st Feb - he had MSA so it was expected that at sometime he would get ill and pass - however he just lay down to rest and went a sleep.
i’m lost - it’s his funeral on friday and i was supposed to do the order of services last week - i just sit doing nothing. He was such a lovely man and he has had such lovely things said- i feel like i didn’t show him what he meant to me.

Hello Bevanne21, it really isnt easy i lost my wife on the 18th November last year and its so hard… She was 56 and i miss her everyday. You just need to take your time and take every day as it comes. I hope you have family/ friend’s to support you and help as you cant do it alone. I too live in Newcastle. Message me if you want too