Lost my wife last Sunday just broken so alone
Ron, so sorry for your loss.
I hope you have someone around you who can just be there, just so you are not alone.
This site is full of people who have experienced loss and grief, my wife passed away in April, I have never experienced anything to even come close to how I felt.
One day at a time helped me, along with a great sister and some close friends.
Sending my love.
Joe x
Thanks Joe I just feel so alone
Ron, I lost my wife of 45 years on the 3rd October, I’m lost , lonely angry, and broken inside you are. O
I’m absolutely so sorry for your precious loss, although she’s left in the physical sense, she’s always with you and in time you’ll see the messages and signs she sends you. Sending you healing prayers and virtual hugs, you’re nevee alone
Keep posting here if it helps,.
Also cruse for counselling, your GP, Samaritans.
I truly believed I was going insane, talking and writing might help, anything that can give you some solace.
So sorry Ron, you must feel so raw, I found sharing your feelings with
Like minded people eventually helps such a lot
Take care
Thankyou Dee I just don’t know where to start I am so overwhelmed.
Bless your heart. Ron if possible try to get some sort of routine going, little walk perhaps each day, or do something you can look forward to, get the spring here and that awful desperate lost feeling will be behind you, and try to take a small step each day
And do keep letting your feelings out, being on here and chatting about your feelings will benefit you such a lot, remember little steps and try to think what your wife would say to you Ron
Hope this helped a bit, Dee
Just feel overwhelming got the funeral to arrange and all the money stuff
Hello Ron, try to pace the sorting funeral and funds it’s very stressful isn’t it, especially when we can hardly function anyway.
Is there anyone that can support you a little with the funeral at least?
Once you’ve past this side of sorting things, you can start making some progress in your grieving, seems so unkind when we’re thrown into this confusion at these heartbreaking times …
take care
If you receive certain benefits, there’s a funeral welfare fund you may be entitled to which will ease your financial burden. If you get in touch with your benefits advice shop they’ll be able to help you.
I just lost my father recently and had to organise the whole funeral myself but the local Undertaker I dealt with was absolutely fabulous and arranged everything as a whole package which was such a relief as I wouldn’t have known where to start.
I hope you have family and friends who are supportive around you, sending healing prayers
Thankyou so much
I think I’m getting worse as the time goes on ,it’s only been 7 weeks since I lost my wife, but I’m more emotional and lonely at first there.so much to do,.now days drag
Hi Chelsea 69
Was just sitting thinking the same, the time of year and weather not helping either.
Thinking of you & sending a hug to you and anyone, needing one
Thanks that’s what I miss the most, take care and hopefully I will get the there
Deep breath and keep going day at a time x
Thanks Dee, I am volunteering in a local shop in Burnham on sea today just to help others and break the day up, hopefully it will help,take care x
Hello Chelsea 69
Aww What a lovely thing to do, well done, big step in the right direction your wife will be very proud of you, now have a lovely day
Take care x
Hi Ron,
Just checked in to see how you’re doing?