My world has ended

My husband of 37 years died suddenly and unexpected end of August last year and I dont know where to turn - I feel so lost and alone


Your in the right place. Just sharing on here can be very therapeutic.

Just chatting on here and talking to people in the same position can be very helpful.


@MrsBear so sorry to hear of your loss. This site is really useful. I lost my partner suddenly almost 7 weeks ago - he died in his sleep of a heart attack. I feel so empty and lost. Sadly, so many of us are in this position. But there are people here who can offer support. Do you have a support network around you? Are you having any counselling?

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Dear @MrsBear

I am sorry to hear of the loss of your husband. There are no words to describe the pain of losing your partner, it is understandable you feel lost and alone having been together for an amazing 37 years.

Have you seen the blog by Sue Ryder Losing a Partner , it may be of help to you along with the following resources. The Grief Coach may especially be of help to you.

  • The self-help platform which has information, resources and advice to help you through your grief Grief Guide
  • Grief Coach text service, which sends you personalised text support via SMS. This service is also useful for family and friends
  • Information on the Stages of Grief
  • Bereavement Information pages which can walk you through what you are going through

Have you had a look at the Sue Ryder Counselling which is held via video chat ?

There is an organisation called AtALoss which helps bereaved people find support and well-being. It may well be worth you taking a look at the website for support. You can also enter your location on the website to see if there are any support groups in your area.

You need to take one day at a time and be gentle with yourself. We the Community are here for you, you are not alone, we understand the pain of losing a loved one. Keep talking to us here. Take care of yourself.

Peppers xx

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Yes I had my first one today - I have grown up children who have their own lives. My husband and I did everything together we just enjoyed each others company so I’m afraid we didn’t have friends


A stranger is a friend whom you have not yet met.
You will meet friends on here, where you can express your feelings and be heard and accepted.
We are all hurting too, and will offer whatever help we can in terms of support through communicating and sharing, so you are not alone.
So sorry to hear your story, please share and you will find we all have similar stories and feel pain similar to that which you are feeling.

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