
It is 7 weeks today since my husband died. Hard today, christmas day. Just want to say to all of you out there I hope you get through the day okay and find some peace.


Hi @navyman
So sorry to here about your loss.
It is my 1st Christmas without my husband Kevin who died suddenly aged 63 in June 2023.
It is hard to get through but this day is no different from the others i have got through these last few months except it is called Christmas Day.
Sending everyone hugs :heart:
Take care
Lynne Xx


I’m on my own, in a lodge he bought for holidays, with the dog, playing his records & looking through memory boxes - I couldn’t cope with the pain inside me as I looked at the pain on my family’s faces. This is my first Christmas too - I can cry here with no worries about how much I’m hurting them. Today’s another day, just like all the yesterdays, since being left on my own in September.
Peace to all. :heart:


Hi @Malteser
Nice to get away for a few days.
The weather here in Edinburgh is rain rain and more rain.
I did think of going away last year we were both in Australia with family for Christmas and New Year today spending alone at home. I did think of going away but just needed alone time this year so can cry if i want drink eat go to bed without any people around.
This is just another day so will be over soon tomorrow will be the same.
Life goes on dont know were time goes but now 7 months and i need to think about next months and do things before its to late to do anything.
Hugs to everyone
Lynne Xx


The weather is much the same in Perthshire - I’m listening to the rain on the decking & hoping it’s not as heavy when :dog:asks to go out around 9.30pm for her last walk.
My girlfriend in Spain has just sent me a poem by Becky Hemsley - ‘This Christmas’. You can access her on FB & Instagram, she writes some beautiful poems.
Here’s to starting again tomorrow.
Allyson :heart:


Hi @Malteser
Yes rubbish weather hope tomorrow is better i have so much to do outside but if not it can wait till after new year.
Hope the rain stops for your walk its just meet stopped here.
I’ll have a look at the poem.
Tomorrow is another day
Take care
Lynne Xx

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Hi everyone
My first Christmas without my husband. Can’t believe he’s been gone 14 weeks. Weather equally bad in South Lanarkshire and I got soaked taking wreaths to the cemetery for my parents and now my beloved. The weather was fitting for the way I felt. But on a lighter note I’ve had 3 full Christmas dinners handed in by neighbours :yum:lol! Just wish I had the appetite to do any of them justice. But I’m so touched by their kindness. Trying to look to the new year with some kind of hope for the future. Xx


Hi @Mist2
Yes a horrible day here too in Edinburgh.
Just glad I’m indoors looking out rain rain rain.
My 1st Christmas too without my husband and me too cant believe it’s been 7 months really upset today. Thought id get through the day and treat it like all the other days since he passed :broken_heart: but not to be still very upset. Lit a candle today for him at Christmas :christmas_tree:.
Soon it will all be over and not need to be faced till next year.
Hope you get good nights sleep
Lynne Xx

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Hi @Galaxy75
I’ve tried to prepare myself for this time of the year but it has really set me back. It’s just unbearable. A friend and colleague dropped in today and the poor soul got the full force of my grief. Being that upset is exhausting.Like all of us I just want to get past next weekend and then be able to focus on living the rest of my life. Somehow.
Wishing you a restful night as well . Take care xx

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