Nearly one year

I felt I was coping but then I also lost our dog and it’s the anniversary of my partners sudden death this month after 20 happy years together he was everything for me so suddenly I feel totally devastated all over again does it ever get less painful?

Hi @sjs64, Welcome to the Sue Ryder community and thank you for your post.

I am so sorry to read about the loss of your partner, and your dog, and at such a sensitive time. It sounds as though things are very tough at the moment and you are feeling overwhelmed.

I’m glad that you’ve been able to share how you are feeling here, and I hope that you find the community a good source of support. Everyone here has experienced the loss of a loved one and will understand some of what you are going through.

There are some useful resources on our website, including this article which I thought you might find insightful, even if it simply reassures you that how you are feeling is normal.

Sue Ryder offers a free bereavement counselling service and sessions are held via video chat so you can attend from home. There’s more information about this here.

Keep reaching out and please know that we’re here for you.

Take care,

Online Community team

Oh my goodness, I’m so very sorry for your loss of both your partner, then your dog.
It’s so sad as your dog will have been such a comfort for you in the last year . The timing is tragic. I hope you will find the strength to cope somehow.
The answer to “does it ever get less painful” is…not really…but you learn to live your life in a different way.
My heart goes out to you. I do hope you’re ok. Please take care of yourself. We are here for you xx

Thank you for your thoughts it’s good to know someone is there x

Thankyou I think in the beginning I was so caught up in sorting out the practical things keeping busy but now life seems so empty just now

Am really struggling this week ,it will soon be a year my husband passed away with COVID-19…my heart feels like its going to burst …and COVID-19 is here again at Christmas …exactly the same as when we all got covid myself and our daughters .sadly stephen was taken in to hospital and never came out…its just so hard :sleepy:. Miss him so much :cry:

Oh Sally, I’m so very sorry about you losing Stephen. It’s hard enough to bear our grief without the extra stress of another strain of Covid.
Christmas is going to be a hard time for us anyway without our loved ones, then for you the extra worry with it being the anniversary of you all contracting Covid too.
Your husband not coming out of hospital must have been unbearable for you.
I totally understand how much you miss him. It’s a raw, painful feeling, so hard to live with.
All we can do is feel like this and if we’re lucky sometimes the pain lifts slightly so we can get on with something like “normal” life.
I honestly do see how I feel hour by hour, day by day. I do try to get out each day and that does help.
Please know that unfortunately all of us have found this site to deal with our profound grief and we do totally understand and sympathise.
Please take care, Janey xx

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Hi yes I know how you are feeling the year has flown but this time is so difficult hope your daughters are a comfort x

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