Nearly Three Years

Hello everyone,
This is my first time here, or anywhere for support (other than my Dad and children) despite it being almost three years.
My husband of 37 years, (we’d known one another over 40) passed away in August 2021, he’d been diagnosed with Stage 4 bowel cancer with liver and lung metastases less than ten weeks previously. The night he died he had been having breathing difficulties so after speaking to our Chemo team I called an ambulance, whilst on that call Stuart became unresponsive and I was asked to begin CPR until the ambulance crew arrived which I did. Despite their best efforts Stuart never regained consciousness. I feel I’m not only dealing with his death but the trauma of that night as well. Some days I feel like I’m doing ok but then I feel guilty for it. Other days I seem to be a complete mess. I know there’s no timeline for grief but I’m just rather lost some days. I still expect him to walk in the door.
Sorry for rambling.


It’s only 5 weeks since my husband died. He had a cardiac arrest in bed next to me. I did CPR for 15 minutes until help arrived. He lived for 3 weeks in a coma. They turned off the life support because he had sustained brain damage. I feel guilty that I obviously didn’t do it right. The burden of guilt on top of the grief is awful. I think that the CPR is a bit like post traumatic stress disorder.

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Hi , it will be three years in september since my husband died . We had been married 39 years and together 43 years . Since we were both 16 . Both 59 when he died . I get every word you say , sometimes i cope well ,then other days i just wonder what is the point . I do now accept that he cant come back , and have had to adapt to this life ,i dont want . We both thought we would grow old together , after spending our whole adult life together . This site has been a lifeline to me , dont think i would of coped without it , lots of lovely people , who never judge , and are there just when you need to let of steam . Hope it helps you . Yes there is no timeline to grieve. We are all unique in the way we loved and the way we grieve .xtake carex

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I too am three years a widow, as with everyone else sometimes I am fine other days, like today I feel lost and alone and very weepy.
I try to keep busy, but it is so difficult

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Yes I feel depressed I do what is supposed to help
for that but it is depressing being a widow. I think it is like PTS. The whole experience causes it. Seeing really scarey things happen to my loved one that shouldn’t have happened but did.

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