Need help

Please can someone help me my husband dyed suddenly yesterday and I can’t see a future without him I cant cope myself so how can I be there for my children



Your in shock, how your feeling is absolutely normal, you just need to take each minute as it comes, for the moment you’ll be doing well if you can eat something & wash your face.

You will be able to support your children in time, just don’t expect to much from yourself.

I’m sorry your going through this, in the early days I found this forum reassuring to know others felt the same way I did.

How long as it been since you lost your loved ones and how did you manage I just can’t see a way forward please help me

Hi @Lyndsey82,
It will take time for you to get over the initial shock. You will only be existing through each day at such an early stage, so don’t expect too much of yourself.
My husband died suddenly nearly a year ago and I am “managing” but there are some days better than others.
The shock is unbearable and you keep going over the events and the circumstances of your husband’s death, that’s normal.
My husband was 55, I assume your husband was younger? Which makes it extra difficult as it feels so unfair.
Lean on people around you and be kind to yourself. Sending a big hug your way xx

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Hi @Lyndsey82
There is no formula for how we each cope I’m afraid so none of us can tell you how you will feel.
Just try to be kind to yourself and give yourself time. The shock of losing our loved ones takes time to get used to. Then there is such emptiness to face.
We WILL all get through it but it can’t be a quick fix sadly.

Sending you love and strength. xxx

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