need help

just lost my daughter 7 weeks ago whom I loved dearly but I cannot understand why I have not cried my heart is aching I constantly think about her but feel guilt for not showing my emotions ?

I lost my 31 year old son to cancer in October and it took a while for me to cry but i did in the end. Now so many things trigger me :cry: Sending love Miriam :heart:

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Don’t feel guilty . Everyone does grief in their own individual way, I lost my daughter in July 2021. The grief isn’t as intense as it was, but if I hear a piece of music or see a photo sometimes it sends me back to that raw grief that I experienced after she died. I still have to swipe a photo of her away when it pops up on my iPad. I used to feel guilty for doing that, but I now know that it is just what I have to do, for me.

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You are in shock! However you react is the way you are. 7 weeks is no time at all in this dreadful grief process. Please could you get some help?
I can chat any time you feel alone.

Sending love

Penny xx

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thank you Mims its comforting to know im not on my own all be it is bitter sweet as all the replies have had the same dreadful event as me I think I have found a counselling group in my local church I hope that gives me some comfort
take care

I think dealing with my two young grandchildren has helped me but your right I have my moments I have had to take Kellys pictures down for a while as it hurt so m much just to see them
thank you for your lovely words
take care

penny that is so kind as mention to mims above I think I have found a counselling group at my local church we will see what that brings I miss Kelly loads and loads we were very close but I know its early days yet

take care

I heard 2 weeks ago that my son had been found in his apartment. It’s looking like he could have died 5 weeks ago. I have only had short bursts of crying. My thoughts keep going in circles. I don’t think I believe I’ll never see him again. You are not alone.

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