Needy partners

My mum has less than 6m to live
Metastatic Lung Cancer
Why do we feel as though we have to meet everyone elses needs!!!
My thoughts everyday are death and dying, when is the right time to move into my mums for example?
Then my partner is banging his own drum, me me me…
Sorry but you are the bottom of the pile


I am so sorry to hear about your mum. I would move in with her now. You cannot buy time and it will be such a precious time for you both. That’s what I would do anyway.
As for your partner just ignore any comments. Now is not the time to further upset yourself. Put yourself first always and if you want to be with your mum 24/7 then do it.
Thinking of you
Deborah x


I agree with Deborah, move in now. Don’t delay if you can, you have the opportunity to make the last few months count and I’d advise that you grab it with both hands. Whatever time you have is so precious, but you’ve got to look after yourself as much as possible aswell, put your needs first here x

Well said Sun.
DLouise just do what your instincts tell you. Put you and your mum first. Go and make those memories and make loads of them. Even if it’s just sitting in her house with her. You will never ever regret it.
Rest when you can when you are with her. But cherish every second
Love Deborah x

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Hi Sun,
How are you managing ?
Deborah x

Hi,thanks for asking….up and down really, as expected I suppose. It’s a long slog isn’t it?
There’s so many feelings and thoughts to navigate x