Never gets easier

I lost my mum nearly 5 years ago and since then my marriage broke down, I discovered something awful about my ex husband that I had to report to the police and this has resulted in 3 years of absolute stress and anguish. I care for my dad who doesn’t keep the best of health and I have 2 children as well as a full time job. It’s been a rollercoaster 5 years and I’m in a huge dip the now. I miss having my best friend there to help me. My mum always knew what to say, she had such a special way about her. I wish I could see her more in my dreams, just to talk to her :broken_heart:

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@Karens83 hi I am so very sorry for your loss I lost my mum many years ago when I was 13 and recently I lost my soulmate pauline all I can say is I talk to pauline all the time and I believe our loved ones can hear us so talk to her wherever you need to and keep posting on here you will find support everyone here understands what we are going through stay safe and take care