New category - Loss as a young adult

Hello everyone,

I wanted to let you know that we have created a new category called, Loss as a young adult.

Loss is devastating, no matter how old we are. But we know that, when it comes to grief, young adults have some specific shared experiences.

You may be feeling that the person you lost will be missing out on all your milestones. Or that you are too young to have lost someone close to you, and so you feel very different from your peers.

We’ve created this space so that young adults can connect with others who understand the unique feelings they be going through. Adults who lost someone as a child are welcome to post here, too.

I hope you find this a safe space if you are a young adult coping with grief. Keep reaching out,


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I’ve just been reading about Winston’s Wish, a charity in the UK that supports people aged 25 and younger who are bereaved.

Here’s the article:

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