New life

That is my understanding to.

Well i had grown up children when i got it ! Not living at home anymore ā€¦ only started it in january this year ā€¦ ??

@Deb5 Were you married to your partner? then thatā€™s why you got it with no dependent children. If you werenā€™t married to your partner, didnā€™t have dependent children etc. then you wouldnā€™t have qualified.

Oh right ā€¦ but that lady said she was married so i dont get it ? Never mind anyway :wink:

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I have sent in appeal as it looks to me like theh have based it on us living together and not actually married which we are. All this money sode of things is wearing me down its constsnt daily battles at moment ontop of this grief train xx


Good ! Fingers crossed for you !!! And its done now so you can relax ! Btw they may want to see your marriage certificate ? I think i took mine to local Dhss office as proof of marriage Xxx


Hi Brokenlady, sorry for your loss. I lost someone i loved very much suddenly & out of the blue. I play that last weekend over & over in my head. Wondering, should i have done this, should i have done that & still have flashbacks. All we can do is take one day at a time & go with your emotions. Sending a hug to you.


My name is John I lost my wife just before xmas we were supposed to celebrate our diamond wedding last may 5th but got devastating news my wife had pancreatic cancer they gave only 6 to 12 month they couldnā€™t do anything she lasted 6 month Iā€™m lost without her I not ashamed to say I cry every day for her 3or 4 a day for her


I have just read the website on bereavement support and it says you have to be under pension age to claim. Maybe Iā€™m wrong. I tried for pension credit and said i wasnā€™t entitled to it. Not much help out there.

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Smager I am so sorry to read this. My loss is more recent. He died in July. But we were given the cancer diagnosis in December. Over Xmas and I think I started grieving even then. We knew it was aggressive and inoperable from the start. At an appointment in April he was told three months. He died three months to the day after that. He stayed optimistic until the end and his only thoughts were for me. He insisted on emptying his bank accounts into mine on the day he died. He had haemorrhaged and was struggling for breath but insisted on getting on his phone to make the next few weeks easier financially for me. He must have known then that he was leaving me that day.

It is so very very hard.


Hi Jay15, sorry you arenā€™t getting much help. I know you canā€™t get pension credit until you reach pension age. Wishing you well & take care.

Yes you do need to be under pension age. You are right there isnā€™t a lot out there for some of us.

@Jay15 I think youā€™re right. Sorry I donā€™t have any experience or advice about pension credit. Iā€™ve found Citizens Advice can be surprisingly helpful, they move a bit slowly but they can help.

Aw ā€¦ bless you ! So very hard for you and so very sad i know watching them go ā€¦ it breaks my heart. Cant think too much about it myself cos it makes me too sad ā€¦ that last week was like hell on earth for me ! :frowning: xx

Same for me ā€¦ near xmas too :frowning: xx

So sorry for late reply iv had a rough couple of days, i think we torture ourselfa because we need aomeone to blame when theres no expalnation as to why and so quick. I have the poat mortem reaults due anyday now and im absolutely terrified even tho i got an inital cause of death, it makes no sense to me xx


So sorry for your loss xx