New Member Lost Her Mum

Hello everyone! I’m new here. I lost my Mum in January. I was her full-time carer and was with her when she died. I just feel completely lost without her. She was my best friend as well as my mum.


Hi I lost my dad in February. I was also his full time carer and I feel the same way as you completely lost. Monday’s are the worst as that was the day my dad was in a trance like state and he died just after midnight. I have now lost both my parents and they were my best friends. Take care


I lost my mum on the 17th May. I was heartbroken. I have lived with her over 50 years and she was my best friend too and I was her carer. I lost my dad over 20 years ago. There is no easy way around it. Just have to take one day at a time. I try to keep distracted. I am reading a few books on grief which does help. Take care and sending hugs. x


I’m so sorry to read that you’ve both lost your parents. It will be 10 years since my Dad died on 24th August and Mum’s passing has brought it all back. I’m taking each day as it comes which has been so hard because at the moment I don’t feel like I will ever be happy again. I hope this is a temporary feeling. Take care and sending hugs to you. X