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I’m writing my first message at 5am after another sleepless night. Although I have a husband and 2 children one still at home. I feel so alone. My only sister died in August after she suffered mental health issues, alcohol and liver failure. I’m so devastated and lost I just can’t get my head around any of it.

Dear Karen,

Having 3 sisters myself and knowing how much they mean to mean, I can understand that you feel devastated that you have lost your only sister. From the little bit you shared about her, I guess that the relationship with her may have been complicated at times due to her mental health issues and struggles with alcohol. Did you have a chance to say goodbye to her or was her death sudden and unexpected? You are still in the early days of grief, when your emotions can be all over the place. Sleep problems is something many people on this site have mentioned. Lack of sleep can make it so much harder to deal with things. There is lots of advice on websites such as NHS and Mind on what you can do to improve your sleep, so you may find some ideas there to try. Sometimes it can help to talk about how you feel with someone outside your circle of friends or family. Cruse is one of the organisations you ould contact. There is an article ontheir site about sibling loss that you may find helpful:
It is good that you have come to this site. I hope that by reading other people’s post and replies you will find some comfort, knowing you are not alone. Take care. xx Jo

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Hi, so sorry about your sister, life is so hard and when you think it can’t get any harder our lived ones are taken, my sister died 4 months ago, w my family went out for a meal for my sons 21st last night, first time venturing out since her passing, her wedding song came on and triggered a panick attack, I managed to make it to the toilet crying with my heart racing until I calmed down, so much can trigger us, I hope you have family that can support you or close friends, allow us to be your sisters, I do have other sisters who understand if I didn’t I don’t know how I would cope, my children aren’t experiencing the same grief and my husband doesn’t understand at all so please if you need to talk about your sister and how your feeling this group is a good place to express yourself, take care