new user

Good evening everyone,

I have just joined and look forward being in touch with other people grieving for the loss of their loved one. Mum was 88 and died 19th December 2018. She loved Christmas and snow. Loved making a snowman with my son. Always telling us about her childhood and had 2 poetry books published. If possible I will put up one of her poems one day. I had one of her poems about growing up on a farm published in our local carers magazine in 2020 when mum would have been 90.


Dear Noreen Ann,
Welcome to this very caring and understanding site. You have wonderful memories of your Mum which you will always have. It is so hard to lose a loved one and just before Christmas as I know seems to make it worse.
It would be lovely to read one of your Mum’s poem.
Take care
Love Jenny

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