New widow

Im so sorry for your loss. Its so raw for you right now. I hope that you have family and friends to support you at this very difficult time.
I lost my Dad unexpectedly 3 months ago. So i and the many others on here know the pain you are going through, and i hope we can be a help and comfort to you.
Much love, Deborah

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He was denied repeatedly to get his insulin on time and the correct dosage. He went into diabetic ketoacidosis which then led to a pulmonary edema. This happened on more than one occasion. It’s already been escalated to a level 2 investigation.


My Dads case is also being investigated, this appears to be happening all too often from what im hearing.
Im sorry to hear this is also something else you have to go through, its heart breaking.

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It’s keeping me going for now. If I can get something changed so nobody else has to suffer needlessly then that will be my husband’s legacy x

Thats why i am hoping something will come from Dads investigation, he was meant to come home and spend Christmas with us. Still hard to believe he is not here anymore. We all miss him so much.
Sending hugs. X

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My son and I felt angry Dave fell out of hospital bed day before he died. Also they took out his temporary pacemaker day before and I was in phone as did it and went upset saying don’t do that he will die. He been in hospital five weeks; had his leg amputated below knee to try to stop necrosis. His heart had been weak.
Felt they knocked him off as no place available in rehab.
We felt why was he allowed to fall out bed. Was going to be lost mortem but coroner decided against it because of cost and he said no need he died diabetes and heart attack. We were angry but he said we would have to pay for post mortem ourselves otherwise. We didn’t.
Felt a angry no fight in us to complain further. Stress too much. Won’t bring him back. Same my dad years ago 30 years now he wasn’t diagnosed with cancer tossed off not given colonoscopy early on

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I can sense the anger, and that is normal with grief, i was the same. Use that energy to make a difference. Even if you feel exhausted, keep fighting for Dave.
My Dad went into hospital for a stent in his bowel. Whilst there they did detect cancer, but removed it, so all was good. Too many mistakes made on ward and they let him eat, which perforated the sutures. They left him on too much morphine and couldnt wake him. They had to give him a reversal drug to bring him round but kept him sedated. Told us he would need to have a colostomy bag fitted. All the while his bowel had been leaking into his system causing sepsis which they didnt pick up on. I belted down the motorway to get to hospital and he passed a minute later. That haunts me everyday.
For the mistakes that were made, cost Dad his life, took a husband and dearly loved Father, Grandad and brother to family here and across the world.
As you said, none of our sorrow will bring them back, but im fighting for Dad, all we want are answers, its the least i can do for him for all he gave us.
When you are ready, you can take up that fight, you need answers too.
Deborah xxx