
Sorry new to this. I bk lost my partner 4 months ago from suicide. Really struggling

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Dear Tina4,

My heart goes out to you. I wished there was something I could say or do to take away your pain. You must have so many unanswered questions and II can imagine that even people who know you may find it hard to know what to say ow to support you. I hope that you will get replies from others on this site who have gone through what you are going through.
You may also find it helpful to look at the website from Sobs, a charity that specifically supports people who have lost someone to suicide. They have a helpline too,
This is the link to their website:
xx Jo

Thank you so much :heart:

Hello @Tina4,

I just can’t imagine what you’re feeling. Have you got any friends or people to talk to? This last lockdown hit everybody so hard, the sense of isolation, being able to do nothing.

Are you managing to sleep, eat regularly and things like that? My husband died nearly 8 months ago, and for months I struggled with all those things. I am still struggling now. My husband didn’t want to die, his death came quite suddenly, he was in hospital for a few weeks before he was discharged as terminally ill.

Friends brought me food and I was referred to a community psychiatric nurse who emphasised how important it was to do things like that. Have you talked to your GP to ask for some help?

It’s all particularly difficult now - I understand that most coroners’ courts have a delay of about 18 months before holding a formal inquest, which usually happens after a suicide. The official process seems so cold and heartless but I hope you will find help at SOBS and also from your GP, who can refer you to other services who can help.

I wish I could do more to help.

Christie xxx