
Hi im new hear. I lost my mum a month ago tomorrow the 3rd. It was a hell of a experience with the hospital. Even being told on new yrs day that she had passed (sunday) but later finding out she didnt untill tuesday the 3rd.
Im having to hold it together for my dad and my children but its so hard, i feel like im just on auto pilot


Hello @Queeniem83 ,

I’m part of the Online Community team and I’d like to welcome you to this lovely and supportive community. thank you for bravely starting this thread and sharing how you are feeling. I’m so sorry to hear about your mum and how difficult it is to deal with your own grief as well as others. Most community members have sadly experienced the death of a loved one and so will understand some of what you are going through.

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I wanted to share a few Sue Ryder resources with you that might be helpful.

I really hope you find the community helpful and a good source of support and I also hope you feel you can access more support should you need it.

Thank you again for sharing – please keep reaching out and know that you are not alone.

Take care,


I feel so sad for you and feel your pain. Take small steps each day and build up your strength so you can deal with whatever is thrown at you. Be strong for the children who need you so much. What an awful experience being told she had passed when she hadnt How dare they say that to you Makes me so angry but nothing surprises me these days. The NHS is broken in my eyes and I also had a bad experience at the hosp with my poor mum
I will check again tom to see how you are
Deborah x

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Thank you. Yesterday was a really hard day was month anniversary. My dad had a really bad day so i spent most of it trying to look after him and make his day a little easier, then everything hit me last night. Im super drained today. Xx

Hi I know the feeling My stomach is in knots worrying about next mon when its mams funeral