Newly widowed

My husband passed away only 9 days ago. He had battled cancer for nearly 9 years. He was only 53.
I dont know how to carry on without him, in his last few weeks he was bedbound and i looked after him by myself.
The pain i feel is all consuming, its the worst pain ive ever felt.
I sometimes feel that theres no point in carrying on, but i have 2 children ( adult) and i wouldnt want to put them through the pain that i feel.
The days are so long, as soon as i wake up im looking forward to bedtime so the day is over. I know its ok to cry, which i do constantly, but i cant cope with it all.


i wish i could give you a magic wand to make this pain go away i lost my husband of 47 years six weeks ago and yes its very hard but i know deep down we will do our best every day and we will miss them for ever but you just keep going in the hope that they are watching us and hoping that we are not sad all the time thinking of you


Im so sorry for your loss @Sal74

It is such early days for you. You are so raw at the moment. But I do know exactly how you feel.
I can’t tell you that the pain will go away but you will gradually find you are starting to cope. No I wouldn’t have believed it if anyone had told me that at the beginning.
But you just need to take it day by day, hour by hour if necessary. Reach out to family and friends and keep posting on here.
Everyone on here understands. We are all going through the same heartbreak

Sending you love, hugs and strength

Liz x x


Hi @Sal74
I’m so sorry you have lost your husband and for all the pain you are feeling.
I completely understand how you feel and I have nothing to offer that will help that pain except to let you know you are not alone, this community understands and is a safe place that you can share all you are feeling. There is lots of support on offer and people who will listen and understand.
You are so young to have lost your husband ( I’m 52 ) and you are right, your kids need you as their mum more now than ever - even if they are grown.
Hold on tight and be kind to yourself - it can be a bumpy ride this grief. Keep posting on here if it helps.
Sending love and strength to you xx

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Hi ya. Like others have said. I wish I could wave a magic wand and the pain inside would go away. Grief is a horrible word and road to travel along. I lost my Kev almost 9 months ago but remember coming on here not long after he passed away. It was unexpected and very sudden. He went in for a simple procedure and never came out. I never thought I would be where I am now. I have now accepted he isn’t coming back and it’s tough, heartbreaking every word you can think is grief. Please be kind to yourself. I promise in time we will all learn to live with this pain, I don’t believe it will ever go away but we will learn to accept it, it’s part of loving that special person unconditionally. We are the lucky ones to have found this love to be grieving so hard. Xxx


I lost my husband in may this year I feel the exact Same getting out of bed is so hard I Can’t sleep we was married 24 years being together 25 in august he was the
Love of my life my soulmate I hope you find this group helps you always here to listen to anyone i will try to help if I can

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Yes I lost my husband 6 weeks ago. This is the hardest thing to go through. Keep posting. We support each other and we all know what it feels like.


Hi i lost my husband Gra on the 17th june thecachevthe lonilness the pain is so intense. I long forbthe pain when i feel like a nirmal person instead ofbthis mess i am now. I have never been alone before and it terrifies me . Xxx


hi my husband passed away six weeks ago also with cancer i i tend to manage during the day and every night i speak to Davy and tell him about my day but tonight i had to speak to my sister as i just miss him so much and couldnt stop crying this is the worst feeling but i know sometime in the future we will get their and try to build a life not the one we ever wanted but the one we have been left with i was married to davy for 47 years