NHS took my partner of 18 years

I lost the love of my life Jennifer on the 6th October 2021. We have 5 children together. Our youngest has high functioning autism, non verbal, non understanding, no sense of danger and has avoided restrictive food intake disorder. So far I have tried to seek help from additional services but I’m constantly told I’m an excellent father… Ok fair enough but I’m still struggling to come to terms with the loss of their mum. If you Google (Jennifer cervical cancer) you can read about how the NHS repeatedly let my partner down on 5 different occasions and yes I’m suing. They’ve admitted liability.

What is this post supposed to be about. About the loss of my beautiful Jennifer and how she was taken. I’m so angry but I have no one to talk to. I’m a mixed bag of emotions and I never know what the feeling is I’m feeling from 1 time to another.

I feel like I want to talk in a group. To see other faces and that my being upset is somewhat normal.

Sorry to whinge on, this is the closest iv had to get things of my chest. :cry::cry::cry::cry::pensive::pensive::pensive::pensive:


I’m sorry for your loss and to read your story. My lovely partner of 28 years also passed away last Oct. from cancer. Like everybody on here I feel lost without her. Don’t worry about whingeing you say whats on your mind. nobody on here will condemn you for anything to say.

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Oh Simon, I’ve just read your & Jennifer’s story. So very, very sorry for you & your children. Such a devastating loss.
You are absolutely not whingeing, you are bound to be heartbroken, bereft, frustrated, angry, sad, helpless to say the least.
Take care of yourself and keep looking after your children like you are doing now.
I hope it helps somehow to put your feelings down in words

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Just read your story I’m so sorry for your families loss. My husband to died thks to the NHS I’m tried to sue but no one will take on my case. My jim went into hospital for cancer op and he was recovering well until they said he needed another op because he had a blockage but when they opened him he didn’t have a blockage so didn’t need op but because of this he got sepsis and pneumonia followed by kidney failure and heart failure and died 12th August. I wasn’t allowed to visit I feel that the NHS failed him but as yet I haven’t even had a phone call from them to explain what happened I’m tried to contact them but nothing. I hope you win your case I know it will never bring our loved ones back but it will get a bit of justice for them. Xx

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