Night terrors

Does anyone else suffer with night terrors ? I’m constantly waking up crying scared is there anything I can try ? Any advice please

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Dear Lucy2,

Sorry to hear that you are waking up crying and scared. I assume that it has to do with your loss of a loved one. Grief can cause all sorts of emotions and there is no easy answer on how to deal with it. What works for one person may not work for some one else. If you type ‘sleeping problems’ ior ‘anxiety’ in the search option, you will see there are many posts on this site from people who describe problems similar to yours.

The darkness of the night, when all is quiet, often seem to bring up feelings that we did not have in the day time. When my mum lost my dad, she was very scared at night. My nephew found relaxing music for her and installed it on her Ipad to listen to. She also found that having a small light on at night helped her to feel less scared. That is something you could try. If you have trouble getting back to sleep, is there something you know that would relax you? Or help you distract your mind? I Sometimes, when I could not get back to sleep, I would just get up and watch a flim on Netflix until I felt sleepy again,

Have you been able to talk with people about your loss and your feelings? It is important to have someone you can trust and who can support you. If you don’t have anyone, this site is a good place to be. There may also be a bereavement support group in your area you could join, or you could try getting help from your GP.

It is good that you have joined this community. I hope that you will find it helpful to read other people’s posts and responses. Take care,

My son use too suffer so bad with them as a child there are horrible although the majority of the time he was totally unaware of them, they would intensify if he ever was running a temperature lavender oil may help and maybe camomile tea and avoid caffeine. Good luck. X

I sleep really badly. I play audio books. Sometimes all night. It comforts me listening to a quiet voice. It stops me thinking and worrying. I quite often have no idea what the story line is. You can download for free from the library.

My son use too suffer so bad with them as a child there are horrible although the majority of the time he was totally unaware of them, they would intensify if he ever was running a temperature lavender oil may help and maybe camomile tea and avoid caffeine. Good luck. X