No better

Not posted for a while.8 months tomorrow and feeling no better.
Still cry alot and feel so alone
No friends or extended family to share this loss with.
He would hate im in this horrible place but I just still cant believe that he has gone.All our plans of the little things to do together and now im left with nothing Whats the point


Hi @Tracey57
So sorry to here how you are feeling
I know 8 months on for me too
Some days are worse than others
Thought i was doing ok then last week abd this week the wave of grief returned
Could be 3 years ago whenbibhad a cancer scare he was here to help me get through now 3 years on i have to face the 3 minthly check ups alone. Only another 7 years of monitoring all on my own makes me sad.
I have no family nearby and friends live over 2hrs away so only have phone calls but now these seem to be getting less. I understand everyone have busy lives soni just need to learn to get used to my own company.
I miss him all the time his sense of humour his blue eyes his being here and all the plans we had for retirement gone.
Life is too short now :broken_heart:
Lynne x


I lost my wife 6 weeks ago nothing to look forward to feel lost

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Hi @Gibbo
So sorry to here of your loss.
It is very early days 6 weeks i remember how i felt back then. Now coming upto 9 months and no two days the same. I still cry some days but not as intense as back at the beginning. I miss him terribly and without him sometimes feels pointless but i know i must get through days and could face another 20+ years on my own so try to be strong and just take a day at a time.
We loved to travel so i miss that too but i have booked a coach trip in July to Ireland on my own. First trip without him not sure how that will be but im on my own no matter where i am.
Take care of yourself


Galaxy75 enjoy your trip me from n ireland take care

Thank you
Never been to NI do 1st time from Scotland so looking forward to trip later this year.

Galaxy coming here will help you you take care

U will enjoy what they over here the crack meaning good time. Take care

Looking forward to the Guinness
I used to work for a brewery here Scottish and Newcastle in Edinburgh but have been all over the UK and overseas Dublin too just not Belfast looking forward to m trip in july
Take care
Lynne x

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I’m 6 months since losing my husband of 48 years. Having friends around has helped I’m sure but still clearing out his things which reduces me to a wreck. Financial pressures mean I have to urgently drastically downsize and move away from the area where I have those good friends. Family are 3.5 hours away so makes sense to move nearer them. Hate that it’s the Gov forcing me into this. He thought I would get half his state pension and be comfortable but in fact I only get 5%!! Just adds to the daily misery. If it wasn’t for my pets needing me …

Lynnex. Over here the guinness is the best u enjoy it

Lynne the guinness here is the best enjoy them

My late husband and I went to Dublin for 4 days year’s ago had the best time ever thoroughly enjoyed it plus my husband said the guineas was the best take care and enjoy

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Looking forward to going too.
Was in Dublin many years ago with my husband so remember the Guiness Brewery well.
Lynne x

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Woozo. Might be a good thing moving away fresh start but still keeping memories inside take care

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Thanks @Gibbo. Memories definitely going with me in here❤️. So hard and exhausting. Every good wish to you. The only way through this is your own way.

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