No closure

Hi its now 4 years since I lost my husband to covid but I feel I still have no closure. He was taken away in an ambulance and I never set eyes on him again. He hated hospitals and I know he would have been so scared but I couldn’t go see him or be with him when he passed. I couldn’t even go see him after he had passed as restrictions were so severe at the start of the lockdown . I couldn’t see my 2 sons or daughter until the funeral and then we could not go near each other , security guard made sure of that, then we had to all go home separately the same way we had arrived. After 47 years together it should not have ended like this it’s just so unnatural I am still struggling with it all. I know i am not the only one who had to go through this awful situation at the start of the pandemic as 1000’s were dying daily and my heart goes out to all of them it is hard to accept :cry::cry::cry:


What a truly devastating experience for you. It makes me feel lucky that I was with my husband to the end and had a funeral full of people who loved him. I cannot imagine how it must have been for you.
I’m so sorry


Thankyou . I still feel traumatised by the whole thing I just go over and over it all in my head it just does not seem real. Nothing about the pandemic seems real

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I am so sorry to hear of the traumatic experience you had when your husband died during Covid times It must have been so difficult not to be able support him and to have been cut off from friends and family until the funeral.
My husband died abroad without me He was visiting his extended family Following his death his relatives wanted him buried in their family plot I couldn’t attend the funeral ( health reasons) and he buried in his home village without my attendance. Like you I have struggled with this experience First accepting his death and then with having no focus for my grief I have now come to accept his death and made my own place of remembrance for him I. have used meditation to help calm my mind and walking in nature to soothe me I hope you find a way through your grief and are able live alongside what happened Blessings