No escape from grieving

It’s been 6 months since my mum (61) died of cancer just 3 months after diagnosis. I still find each day hard. So hard. Especially at home. The children keep me busy but things are now so much harder without my mum who helped us out so much. My husband expects me to be back to normal now. He doesnt say it but you can tell from his actions. He helps out less now.
I came away to croatia sailing with my brother to try to escape my grief and see if i could try and remember what it feels like to be normal and see positivity in the world. Feel the sun on my skin. It worked for a couple of days i guess but now i have such vivid dreams of mum again in the night i wake up crying. Its like my brain is telling me i cannot run from grief. It follows me everywhere there is no escape.
Will this ever get better ?

Yes it does do that I found go with you wherever